Functions for Programming and Data Types
Perform bitwise manipulation of fi
manipulate the data type of fi
objects, and
develop algorithms using functions that support fixed-point data
Bitwise Operations
bitand | Bitwise AND of two fi objects |
bitandreduce | Reduce consecutive slice of bits to one bit by performing
bitwise AND operation |
bitcmp | Bitwise complement of fi object |
bitconcat | Concatenate bits of fi objects |
bitget | Get bits at certain positions |
bitor | Bitwise OR of two fi objects |
bitorreduce | Reduce consecutive slice of bits to one bit by performing
bitwise OR operation |
bitreplicate | Replicate and concatenate bits of fi object |
bitrol | Bitwise rotate left |
bitror | Bitwise rotate right |
bitset | Set bit at specific location |
bitshift | Shift bits specified number of places |
bitsliceget | Get consecutive slice of bits |
bitsll | Bit shift left logical |
bitsra | Bit shift right arithmetic |
bitsrl | Bit shift right logical |
bitxor | Bitwise XOR of two fi objects |
bitxorreduce | Reduce consecutive slice of bits to one bit by performing
bitwise exclusive OR operation |
getlsb | Least significant bit |
getmsb | Most significant bit |
Data Type Operators
double | Double-precision floating-point real-world value of fi
object |
single | Single-precision floating-point real-world value of fi object |
int | Get stored integer value of a fi object |
int8 | Convert fi object to signed 8-bit integer |
int16 | Convert fi object to signed 16-bit
integer |
int32 | Convert fi object to signed 32-bit
integer |
int64 | Convert fi object to signed 64-bit
integer |
uint8 | Convert fi object to unsigned 8-bit integer |
uint16 | Convert fi object to unsigned 16-bit
integer |
uint32 | Stored integer value of fi object as
built-in uint32 |
uint64 | Convert fi object to unsigned 64-bit
integer |
Data Type Tools
cast64BitFiToInt | Cast fi object types that can be exactly represented to a
64-bit integer data type (Since R2020a) |
cast64BitIntToFi | Cast 64-bit integer types to an equivalent fi object
type (Since R2020a) |
castFiToInt | Cast fi object to equivalent integer data type (Since R2020a) |
castFiToMATLAB | Cast fi object type to an equivalent built-in MATLAB data type (Since R2020a) |
castIntToFi | Cast an integer data type to equivalent fi type (Since R2020a) |
num2str | Convert numbers to character array |
reinterpretcast | Convert fixed-point or integer data types without changing underlying data |
rescale | Change scaling of fi object |
storedInteger | Stored integer value of fi object |
storedIntegerToDouble | Convert stored integer value of fi object to built-in double
value |
stripscaling | Stored integer of fi object |
Numeric Value Limits
eps | Quantized relative accuracy for fi or
quantizer objects |
intmax | Largest positive stored integer value representable by numerictype of fi object |
intmin | Smallest stored integer value representable by numerictype of fi object |
realmax | Largest positive fixed-point value or quantized number |
realmin | Smallest positive normalized fixed-point value or quantized number |
Query Type and Value
fixed.extractNumericType | Extract numeric type from input (Since R2021a) |
isboolean | Determine whether input is Boolean |
isdouble | Determine whether input is double-precision data type |
isfi | Determine whether variable is fi object |
isfimath | Determine whether variable is fimath object |
isfimathlocal | Determine whether fi object has local
fimath |
isfipref | Determine whether input is fipref object |
isfixed | Determine whether input is fixed-point data type |
isnumerictype | Determine whether input is numerictype object |
ispropequal | Determine whether properties of two fi objects are
equal |
isquantizer | Determine whether input is quantizer object |
isscaleddouble | Determine whether input is scaled double data type |
isscaledtype | Determine whether input is fixed-point or scaled double data type |
isscalingbinarypoint | Determine whether input has binary point scaling |
isscalingslopebias | Determine whether input has nontrivial slope and bias scaling |
isscalingunspecified | Determine whether input has unspecified scaling |
issigned | Determine whether fi object is signed |
issingle | Determine whether input is single-precision data type |
isslopebiasscaled | Determine whether numerictype object has nontrivial slope and
bias scaling |
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