Troubleshoot Range Analysis of System Objects
When deriving ranges for a model that uses a System object™, the analysis fails if the model contains variables that can refer to multiple handle objects. The following example shows how to reconfigure the code so that the Fixed-Point Tool can derive ranges for the model.
In this example, range analysis of the first model ex_HandleVariableRefersToMultipleObjects
produces an error because there is a variable in the code that can refer to different system objects depending on other conditions. The model ex_HandleVariableRefersToSingleObject
is a rewrite of the first model with the same functionality, but the Fixed-Point Tool is able to derive ranges for the model.
Derive Ranges for Model with System Object
Open the first model, ex_HandleVariableRefersToMultipleObjects
The code inside the MATLAB Function block refers to the custom System object fAddConstant
function y = fcn(u, c) %#codegen persistent hSysObjAddTen persistent hSysObjAddNegTen persistent hSysObjForStep if isempty(hSysObjAddTen) hSysObjAddTen = fAddConstant(10); end if isempty(hSysObjAddNegTen) hSysObjAddNegTen = fAddConstant(-10); end if c > 0 hSysObjForStep = hSysObjAddTen; else hSysObjForStep = hSysObjAddNegTen; end y = step(hSysObjForStep, u);
From the Simulink® Apps tab, select Fixed-Point Tool.
In the Fixed-Point Tool, select the Iterative Fixed-Point Conversion workflow.
Under System Under Design (SUD), select ex_HandleVariableRefersToMultipleObjects
as the system you want to convert.
Under Range Collection Mode, select Derived ranges.
Click the Collect Ranges button. The analysis fails because there is a handle variable in the code that can refer to different system objects depending on the value of c
Rewrite Code to Enable Derived Range Analysis
You can rewrite the code inside the MATLAB Function block so that the Fixed-Point Tool is able to derive ranges for the System object.
Close the Fixed-Point Tool and the ex_HandleVariableRefersToMultipleObjects
model. Open the ex_HandleVariableRefersToSingleObject
This model contains the rewritten code:
function y = fcn(u, c) %#codegen persistent hSysObjAddTen persistent hSysObjAddNegTen if isempty(hSysObjAddTen) hSysObjAddTen = fAddConstant(10); end if isempty(hSysObjAddNegTen) hSysObjAddNegTen = fAddConstant(-10); end if c > 0 y = step(hSysObjAddTen, u); else y = step(hSysObjAddNegTen, u); end
From the Simulink Apps tab, select Fixed-Point Tool.
In the Fixed-Point Tool, select the Iterative Fixed-Point Conversion workflow.
Under System Under Design (SUD), select ex_HandleVariableRefersToSingleObject
as the system you want to convert.
Under Range Collection Mode, select Derived ranges.
Click the Collect Ranges button. This time, the Fixed-Point Tool successfully derives ranges for the variables used in the model.