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Update track score by track merging


mergeScores(scoreLogic1,scoreLogic2) updates the score of scoreLogic1 by merging the score with the score of scoreLogic2. Score merging increases the score of scoreLogic1 by log(1+exp(score2-score1)).



collapse all

Create a score logic using the default confirmation and deletion thresholds. Initialize the score logic.

scoreLogic1 = trackScoreLogic;
volume = 1.3; % Volume of a sensor detection bin
beta1 = 1e-5;   % New target rate in a unit volume
disp(['Score and MaxScore of ScoreLogic1: ', num2str(output(scoreLogic1))])
Score and MaxScore of ScoreLogic1: 2.4596      2.4596

Create a copy of the score logic.

scoreLogic2 = clone(scoreLogic1);

Specify the likelihood that the detection is assigned to the track, the probability of detection (pd) and the probability of false alarm (pfa). Update the second score logic with a hit.

likelihood = 0.05 + 0.05*rand(1);
pd = 0.8;
pfa = 1e-3;
disp(['Score and MaxScore of ScoreLogic2: ', num2str(output(scoreLogic2))])
Score and MaxScore of ScoreLogic2: 7.0068      7.0068

Merge the score of scoreLogic1 with the score of scoreLogic2. The score of scoreLogic2 is larger, therefore the merged score of scoreLogic1 increases.

disp(['Score and MaxScore of merged ScoreLogic1: ', num2str(output(scoreLogic1))])
Score and MaxScore of merged ScoreLogic1: 7.0173      7.0173

Input Arguments

collapse all

Track score logic to update, specified as a trackScoreLogic object.

Reference track score logic, specified as a trackScoreLogic object.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

See Also


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