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Trajectory and Scenario Generation

Ground-truth waypoint- and rate-based trajectories and scenarios

Generate ground-truth trajectories to drive sensor models using the kinematicTrajectory, waypointTrajectory, and geoTrajectory System objects. Simulate tracking of multiple platforms in a 3-D arena using trackingScenario. Design tracking scenarios, configure platforms and sensors, and generate synthetic object detections using the Tracking Scenario Designer app.


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kinematicTrajectoryRate-driven trajectory generator
waypointTrajectoryWaypoint trajectory generator
geoTrajectoryWaypoint trajectory in geodetic coordinates (Since R2020b)
polynomialTrajectoryPiecewise-polynomial trajectory generator (Since R2023a)
trackingScenarioCreate tracking scenario
trackingScenarioRecordingTracking scenario recording (Since R2020a)
PlatformPlatform object belonging to tracking scenario
GroundSurfaceGround surface belonging to tracking scenario (Since R2022a)
SurfaceManagerManage surfaces in tracking scenario (Since R2022a)
objectDetectionReport for single object detection
objectDetectionDelaySimulate out-of-sequence object detections (Since R2022a)
monteCarloRunMonte Carlo realization of tracking scenario (Since R2020a)
emissionsInBodyTransform emissions to body frame of platform


Tracking Scenario DesignerDesign tracking scenarios, configure platforms and sensors, and generate synthetic object detections (Since R2020a)
Tracking Scenario PlayerPlay tracking scenario and tracking scenario recording (Since R2023a)


Tracking Scenario ReaderRead tracking scenario and generate simulation data (Since R2021b)
Scenario To PlatformTransform platform poses from scenario frame to platform body frame (Since R2022b)


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