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Preserve Bus structure in the generated HDL code

Generate code with VHDL record or SystemVerilog structure types

Since R2022b

Model Configuration Pane: Global Settings / Coding style

In R2023b, the configuration parameter name is changed from Generate Record type for Bus to Preserve Bus structure in the generated HDL code.


Generate code with VHDL® record or SystemVerilog structure types for bus signals at design-under-test (DUT) interfaces and different subsystem-level interfaces. For more information, see Generate HDL Code with Record or Structure Types for Bus Signals.


To enable this parameter, set Target language to VHDL or SystemVerilog.


off (default) | on

Default: Off


Generate record or structure types for bus signals in your HDL code. For example, this code snippet shows the generated VHDL code for a subsystem where In1 and Out1 are the bus ports that are defined using the record types.

ENTITY Subsystem IS
  PORT( clk          :   IN    std_logic;
        reset        :   IN    std_logic;
        In1          :   IN    BusObject_record;  -- record {double,double}
        Out1         :   OUT   BusObject_record  -- record {double,double}
END Subsystem;
The package file defines the record BusObject_record, which consists of two bus elements with data type double.

PACKAGE Subsystem_pkg IS
  TYPE BusObject_record IS RECORD
    signal1           : std_logic_vector(63 DOWNTO 0);
    signal2           : std_logic_vector(63 DOWNTO 0);
  END RECORD BusObject_record;

END Subsystem_pkg;


HDL Coder™ flattens the bus elements ports at the subsystem interface. This code snippet shows the generated VHDL code for the subsystem without record types:

ENTITY Subsystem IS
  PORT( clk              :   IN    std_logic;
        reset            :   IN    std_logic;
        In1_signal1      :   IN    std_logic_vector(63 DOWNTO 0);  -- double
        In1_signal2      :   IN    std_logic_vector(63 DOWNTO 0);  -- double
        Out1_signal1     :   OUT   std_logic_vector(63 DOWNTO 0);  -- double
        Out1_signal2     :   OUT   std_logic_vector(63 DOWNTO 0)  -- double
END Subsystem;


To set this property, use the functions hdlset_param or makehdl. To view the property value, use the function hdlget_param.

Recommended Settings

No recommended settings.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: GenerateRecordType
Type: character vector
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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