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Check current status of FPGA data capture in nonblocking mode

Since R2024a



status = checkStatus(hub) returns the current status of the data capture hub object hub in nonblocking capture mode.


The checkStatus function is not supported in blocking capture mode.


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Before you use this example, you must have previously generated the data capture IPs using the FPGA Data Capture Component Generator tool. You must also have integrated the generated IPs, along with the JTAG Debug Hub IP, into your project and deployed it to the FPGA. The data capture hub object communicates with the FPGA over a JTAG cable. Make sure that the JTAG cable is connected between the board and the host computer.

This example uses two data capture IPs: datacapture1 and datacapture2.

Create a data capture hub object, which can interact with each data capture IP.

hub = dataCaptureHub;

Add the System object™ of the datacapture1 IP to the hub object.


Add the System object of the datacapture2 IP to the hub object.


Change the capture mode to nonblocking mode.

hub.CaptureMode = 'nonblocking';

Check the current status of the data capture hub object.

status = checkStatus(hub)
status = 

  struct with fields:

    datacapture1: [1×1 struct]
    datacapture2: [1×1 struct]

Input Arguments

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Data capture hub object that interacts with each data capture IP, specified as a dataCaptureHub object.

Output Arguments

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Current status of the data capture hub object, returned as a structure that contains structures for each connected data capture IP. Each such structure contains fields for these signals:

  • CapturedWindows — This signal indicates the total number of windows captured so far.

  • RunStatus — This signal indicates the current running status of the data capture object using one of these options.

    • 'Not started' — Data capture not started.

    • 'Waiting for trigger' — Data capture object is waiting for a trigger event to start data capture.

    • 'Evaluating capture condition' — Data capture object is evaluating the capture condition.

    • 'Successfully captured data from FPGA' — Data captured successfully from the FPGA.

    • 'Stopped' — Data capture has stopped.

  • TriggerStage — This signal indicates the trigger stage under evaluation for the run status 'Waiting for trigger'. For the run statuses 'Evaluating capture condition', 'Successfully captured data from FPGA', and 'Stopped', this signal indicates the updated value of the trigger stage.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a