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Uninstall MATLAB

To uninstall MATLAB®, follow the instructions for the operating system of your computer.

Linux and macOS

On Linux® and macOS systems, delete the folder where MATLAB is installed. The default location of this folder is as follows, where R20XXy is the MATLAB release being uninstalled:

  • Linux — /usr/local/MATLAB/R20XXy

  • macOS/Applications/

If the license for the uninstalled MATLAB release is no longer in use on the computer—that is, no other MathWorks® products on the computer use this license—consider deactivating the license on this computer. For more details, see Deactivate MATLAB License.


On Windows® systems, from the list of installed apps, start the MATLAB uninstaller and follow the prompts to uninstall MATLAB.

  • Windows 10 — From the Windows Start menu, search for Apps & features and open the list of installed apps. Find the MATLAB release you want to uninstall and click Uninstall.

  • Windows 11 — From the Windows Start menu, search for Installed apps and open the list of installed apps. Find the MATLAB release you want to uninstall. Then click the ellipsis menu to its right, and click Uninstall.

If the uninstaller is not in the list of installed apps, or if the install process fails, see How do I uninstall MathWorks products on Windows when the uninstaller fails?

Uninstall MATLAB from Windows Command Line

Since R2024a

To uninstall MATLAB silently, without opening the uninstaller UI, run the uninstaller from the command line with the mode option set to silent. Here, <matlabroot> is the MATLAB installation folder.

"<matlabroot>\bin\win64\MathWorksProductUninstaller.exe" --mode silent
For example, this command uninstalls MATLAB R2024b from the default installation location.
"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\bin\win64\MathWorksProductUninstaller.exe" --mode silent

Before R2024a

  1. Make a copy of the uninstaller properties file, uninstaller_input.txt. This file is located in the uninstall folder of your MATLAB installation folder. For example:

    copy "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\uninstall\uninstaller_input.txt" C:\temp\my_uninstall.txt
  2. In a text editor, open the file you copied and configure the uninstallation by following the instructions in the file. For example:

    • These options uninstall MATLAB, including all toolboxes, in silent mode, and return any output status or error messages to the specified log file.

    • These options uninstall only the specified toolboxes. MATLAB remains installed.


  3. When you are done, save the configured properties file.

  4. Run the uninstaller executable, using the -inputFile option to specify the configured properties file as a command line argument. For example:

    "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\uninstall\bin\win64\uninstall.exe" -inputFile C:\temp\my_uninstall.txt

If the license for the uninstalled MATLAB release is no longer in use on the computer—that is, no other MathWorks products on the computer use this license—consider deactivating the license on this computer. For more details, see Deactivate MATLAB License.

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