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Modify attribute description in label definition creator object for lidar workflow

Since R2020b


    editAttributeDescription(ldc,labelName,attributeName,description) modifies the description of the specified attribute attributeName of the label labelName. The label must be contained within the labelDefinitionCreatorLidar object ldc.



    collapse all

    Create an empty labelDefinitionCreatorLidar object.

    ldc = labelDefinitionCreatorLidar;

    Add a Cuboid label, Vehicle, to the label definition creator object.


    Add a Color attribute to the Vehicle label.


    Display the created attribute.

                Name: "Color"
                Type: String
        DefaultValue: 'Red'
         Description: ' '

    Modify the attribute description.

    editAttributeDescription(ldc,'Vehicle','Color','Color of the vehicle in RGB format - [1 0 0]')

    Display the attribute details to confirm the updated description field.

                Name: "Color"
                Type: String
        DefaultValue: 'Red'
         Description: 'Color of the vehicle in RGB format - [1 0 0]'

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Label definition creator for the lidar workflow, specified as a labelDefinitionCreatorLidar object.

    Label name, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This identifies the label with which the attribute is associated.

    Attribute name, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This identifies the attribute to modify.

    Description, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This sets the new description for the attribute specified by the attributeName.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020b