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Map Reference Signal to Resource Grid

This example shows how to map the cell specific reference signals to the resource grid for a subframe in the two antenna case.

Specify the parameter structure. In this scenario, there are 6 resource blocks in the downlink.

enb.CyclicPrefix = 'Normal';
enb.NDLRB = 6;
enb.CellRefP = 2;
enb.DuplexMode = 'FDD';

Create an empty resource grid for a subframe.

resourceGrid = lteDLResourceGrid(enb);

Specify NCellID and NSubframe in the input parameter structure. These fields are required to generate the cell-specific reference signals. In this example, select subframe number 0.

enb.NCellID = 10;
enb.NSubframe = 0;

Generate the cell-specific reference signals for the two antenna ports by calling the lteCellRS function.

rsAnt0 = lteCellRS(enb,0);
rsAnt1 = lteCellRS(enb,1);

Generate mapping indices for the two antenna ports. You need these mapping indices to map the generated complex symbols to the resource grid.

indAnt0 = lteCellRSIndices(enb,0);
indAnt1 = lteCellRSIndices(enb,1);

Map the reference signal complex symbols to the resource grid. Use the generated indices in linear form. Plot the resource grid.

resourceGrid(indAnt0) = rsAnt0;
resourceGrid(indAnt1) = rsAnt1;
ans = 1×3

    72    14     2

axis xy

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

axis xy

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

The resulting matrix has the complex symbols in rsAnt0 and rsAnt1 in the appropriate locations, specified by indAnt0 and indAnt1.

See Also

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