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Create App That Resizes with Auto-Reflow

This example shows how to create an app with auto-reflow that responds to resizing by automatically growing, shrinking, and reflowing the app content. Use auto-reflow for apps that you intend to be shared across multiple environments with varying resolutions and screen sizes. With auto-reflow, your app can resize and reflow the app contents to fit the screen size of each app user. For more information about auto-reflow in apps, see Apps with Auto-Reflow.

App Auto-Reflow Behavior

In this app, the controls are in an anchored panel on the left. The right panel that reflows contains two tabs with visualizations and a table of data. The app content in this panel resizes and reflows based on the app window size. For example, when you reduce the width of the app window, the right panel dynamically adjusts to the resizing and moves below the anchored left panel.

Create App with Auto-Reflow

Start by creating a new 2-panel app with auto-reflow from the App Designer Start Page. App Designer creates two panels; the left panel is fixed and the right panel reflows. Then lay out the components in Design View:

  • Add the controls to the left panel from the Component Library. Use additional panels within the left panel to group related controls.

  • Add the axes for visualizations and a table for data within a tab group to the right panel. When you adjust the size of the app window, the components in this reflowing panel automatically adjust their layout.

After you lay out the app, program the app to respond to user input in Code View. For more information about how to create callback functions to update the axes and table based on user input, see Callbacks in App Designer. To explore the fully coded app and see how the auto-reflow works in the app, launch this example in App Designer.

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