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Set Run-Time Library Path for C++ Interface

If the C++ library has a compiled library file, then that file and its dependencies must be on your system path or run-time search path (rpath). If the library is completely defined in header or source files, then there might not be a compiled library file. The publisher provides information about the library files.

You can set the path each time that you work on the library or set it permanently by setting values in the system environment. To add the library to the system path permanently, refer to your operating system documentation.

Temporarily Set Run-Time Library Path in MATLAB

On Windows® platforms, if the compiled library files are located on rtPath, then in MATLAB® call:

dllPath = 'rtPath'; 
syspath = getenv('PATH'); 
setenv('PATH',[dllPath pathsep syspath]);


If you use these commands, then you must set the path each time that you start MATLAB.

Temporarily Set Run-Time Library Path at System Prompt

To set the run-time library path rtPath temporarily, run one of these commands before you start MATLAB. You must restart MATLAB from this system prompt.

  • Windows Command Processor:

    set PATH=rtPath;%PATH%
  • Linux®:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • macOS (set path and start MATLAB):

    DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=matlabroot/bin/macos:matlabroot/sys/os/macos /matlabexecutable

    Replace macos with either maca64 for macOS with Apple silicon or maci64 for macOS with Intel®. Set matlabexecutable to the full path to the MATLAB_macos executable inside the MATLAB application bundle. An example of a full path is /Applications/


Start MATLAB in the same operating system prompt where you set the path environment variable. To verify the updated system path, in MATLAB type one of these commands:

getenv('PATH') % Windows
getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH') % Linux
getenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH') % macOS


If you use these commands, then you must set the path each time that you open the operating system prompt.

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