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MATLAB Operators and Special Characters

This page contains a comprehensive listing of all MATLAB® operators, symbols, and special characters.

Arithmetic Operators




Unary plus




Unary minus


Element-wise multiplication


Matrix multiplication


Element-wise right division


Matrix right division


Element-wise left division


Matrix left division

(also known as backslash)


Element-wise power


Matrix power




Complex conjugate transpose

Relational Operators


Equal to

The = character is for assignment, whereas the == character is for comparing the elements in two arrays.


Not equal to


Greater than


Greater than or equal to


Less than


Less than or equal to

Logical Operators


Find logical AND


Find logical OR


Find logical AND (with short-circuiting)


Find logical OR (with short-circuiting)


Find logical NOT

Special Characters


Create anonymous functions and function handles, call superclass methods


Decimal point, element-wise operations, indexing


Line continuation


Separate row elements in an array, array subscripts, function input and output arguments, commands entered on the same line


Vector creation, for-loop iteration, indexing


Separate rows in an array creation command, suppress output of a line of code

( )

Operator precedence, function argument enclosure, indexing

[ ]

Array construction and concatenation, empty matrix creation, element deletion, multiple output argument assignment

{ }

Create cell array, indexing


Code comments, conversion specifier

{% %}

Block of comments that extend beyond one line


Issue operating system command


Retrieve metaclass information for class name


Create character array


Create string


Represent logical NOT, suppress specific input or output arguments.


Variable creation and indexing assignment.

The = character is for assignment, whereas the == character is for comparing the elements in two arrays.

< &

Specify one or more superclasses in a class definition.


Specify the fields of a name-value structure as the names of all writeable properties of the class.

String and Character Formatting

Some special characters can only be used in the text of a character vector or string. You can use these special characters to insert new lines or carriage returns, specify folder paths, and more.

Use the special characters in this table to specify a folder path using a character vector or string.



Name: Slash and Backslash

Uses: File or folder path separation

Description: In addition to their use as mathematical operators, the slash and backslash characters separate the elements of a path or folder. On Microsoft® Windows® based systems, both slash and backslash have the same effect. On The Open Group UNIX® based systems, you must use slash only.


On a Windows system, you can use either backslash or slash:

dir([matlabroot '\toolbox\matlab\elmat\shiftdim.m'])
dir([matlabroot '/toolbox/matlab/elmat/shiftdim.m'])

On a UNIX system, use only the forward slash:

dir([matlabroot '/toolbox/matlab/elmat/shiftdim.m'])


Name: Dot dot

Uses: Parent folder

Description: Two dots in succession refers to the parent of the current folder. Use this character to specify folder paths relative to the current folder.


To go up two levels in the folder tree and down into the test folder, use:

cd ..\..\test

More Information


Name: Asterisk

Uses: Wildcard character

Description: In addition to being the symbol for matrix multiplication, the asterisk * is used as a wildcard character.

Wildcards are generally used in file operations that act on multiple files or folders. MATLAB matches all characters in the name exactly except for the wildcard character *, which can match any one or more characters.


Locate all files with names that start with january_ and have a .mat file extension:



Name: At symbol

Uses: Class folder indicator

Description: An @ sign indicates the name of a class folder.


Refer to a class folder:


More Information


Name: Plus

Uses: Namespace directory indicator

Description: A + sign indicates the name of a namespace folder.


Namespace folders always begin with the + character:

+myfolder/pkfcn.m  % a namespace function
+myfolder/@myClass % class folder in a namespace

More Information

There are certain special characters that you cannot enter as ordinary text. Instead, you must use unique character sequences to represent them. Use the symbols in this table to format strings and character vectors on their own or in conjunction with formatting functions like compose, sprintf, and error. For more information, see Formatting Text.

SymbolEffect on Text

Single quotation mark


Single percent sign


Single backslash






Form feed


New line


Carriage return


Horizontal tab


Vertical tab


Hexadecimal number, N


Octal number, N

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