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Class: matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay
Namespace: matlab.mixin

Build customized display header text


s = getHeader(obj)


s = getHeader(obj) returns the text s used as the header when displaying the object array obj. This method is called once for the entire object array.

Override this method to create a custom header. The overriding implementation must support all states of the object, including scalar, nonscalar, empty, and deleted (if obj is an instance of a handle class).

Input Arguments

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Object array to apply custom header to. The class of obj must be derived from matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay.

Output Arguments

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Custom header text, returned as a char array. Depending on the input obj, the default implementation returns:

  • Scalar — The non-namespace-qualified class name

  • Nonscalar — The non-namespace-qualified class name and dimensions

  • Empty — Empty char

  • Deleted handle — The text "deleted classname handle"

The class name is linked to MATLAB® documentation for the class. Selecting the link displays the helpPopup window.

If you override this method, you might need to terminate s with a newline (\n) character.



To learn about attributes of methods, see Method Attributes.


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The Tester class has one property, ObjectUnderTest, which can take any type of value. Add a getHeader method that, for scalar instances, identifies the class of the property value and then appends the name of that class to the header.

classdef Tester < matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay
    methods(Access = protected)
        function out = getHeader(obj)
            if ~isscalar(obj)
                out  = getHeader@matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay(obj);
                testerClass = matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay.getClassNameForHeader(obj);
                objectUnderTestClass = class(obj.ObjectUnderTest);
                headerStr = [testerClass ' for ' objectUnderTestClass];
                out =  sprintf('%s\n',headerStr);

Create a scalar instance to see the customized header text.

b = Tester;
b.ObjectUnderTest = int8(5)
b = 

Tester for int8

    ObjectUnderTest: 5

Version History

Introduced in R2013b

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