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Class: matlab.System

Save System object in MAT file


s = saveObjectImpl(obj)


s = saveObjectImpl(obj) specifies the System object™ properties and state values to be saved in a structure or MAT file.

If you do not define a saveObjectImpl method for your System object class, only public properties and properties with the DiscreteState attribute are saved. To save any private or protected properties or state information, you must define a saveObjectImpl in your class definition file.

Your loadObjectImpl method should correspond to your saveObjectImpl method to ensure that all saved properties and data are loaded.

Run-Time Details

save calls saveObject, which then calls saveObjectImpl. To save a System object in generated code, the object must be unlocked and it cannot contain or be a child object.

End users can use load, which calls loadObjectImpl to load a saved System object into their workspace.

Method Authoring Tips

  • You must set Access = protected for this method.

  • Save the state of an object only if the object is in use. When the user loads that saved object, it loads in that usage state.

  • To save child object information, use the associated saveObject method within the saveObjectImpl method.

Input Arguments

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System object handle used to access properties, states, and methods specific to the object. If your saveObjectImpl method does not use the object, you can replace this input with ~.

Output Arguments

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Saved data to load.


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Define what is saved for the System object. Call the base class version of saveObjectImpl to save public properties. Then, save any child System objects and any protected and private properties. Finally, save the state if the object is in use.

methods (Access = protected)
  function s = saveObjectImpl(obj)      
    s = saveObjectImpl@matlab.System(obj);
    s.child = matlab.System.saveObject(obj.child);
    s.protectedprop = obj.protectedprop;
    s.pdependentprop = obj.pdependentprop;
    if isLocked(obj)
      s.state = obj.state;

Version History

Introduced in R2012b

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