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Test Browser

Run MATLAB tests and view results

Since R2023a


The Test Browser app enables you to run script-based, function-based, and class-based tests interactively.

You can use the test browser to:

  • Create a test suite from files or folders.

  • Run all or part of the specified tests.

  • Access diagnostics and debug test failures.

  • Customize a test run with options, such as running tests in parallel (requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™) or specifying a level of test output detail.

  • Generate an HTML code coverage report for MATLAB® source code.

Overview of Test Browser Toolbar

This table provides a summary of the buttons on the toolbar of the test browser.


Button for adding tests

Add tests from files or folders.
Button for running the test suiteRun the tests in the test suite.
Button for running tests in parallelEnable or disable parallel test execution.
Button for generating a code coverage reportSpecify code coverage settings.
Button for setting the test optionsCustomize the test run by specifying whether to apply strict checks, amount of output detail, and logging level.
Button for selecting the passed testsDisplay or hide the passed tests.
Button for selecting the failed testsDisplay or hide the failed tests.
Button for selecting the incomplete testsDisplay or hide the incomplete tests.
Button for selecting the tests that have not runDisplay or hide the tests that have not run.
Three-dot buttonPerform additional actions. For example, clear the test status filters or remove the tests.
Test Browser app

Open the Test Browser App

  • MATLAB Toolstrip: On the Apps tab, under MATLAB, click the app icon.

  • MATLAB command prompt: Enter testBrowser.

You can also open the test browser if you run tests using either of these options. These options do not support script-based tests:

  • Right-click a test file in the Current Folder browser and then select Run.

  • Open a test file in the MATLAB Editor or Live Editor and then run the tests using the Run section in the Editor or Live Editor tab of the toolstrip.


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Debug a test failure by using the test browser.

Create a function-based test file named sampleTest.m in your current folder. The file contains two tests that pass and one test that intentionally fails.

function tests = sampleTest
tests = functiontests(localfunctions);

function testA(testCase)

function testB(testCase)

function testC(testCase)
verifySubstring(testCase,"Hello World!","llo")

Open the test browser.


Add the tests in the sampleTest.m file to the test browser. To add the tests, click the Add tests button on the toolbar and then select the test file. The test browser creates a test suite and displays the test names in a test tree.

Run the tests by clicking the Run current suite button on the toolbar. Two tests pass and one test fails due to a verification failure. If you click the node of testB in the test tree, the Test Diagnostics Viewer section at the bottom of the Test Browser panel displays the diagnostic information.

Diagnostic information for the failed test

Click the line-number link provided for testB in the test tree or the hyperlinked path in the Test Diagnostics Viewer section to view the code that resulted in the failure. To debug the test failure, set a breakpoint on the highlighted line of code by clicking its line number. Then, run testB by right-clicking its node in the test tree and selecting Run Test. MATLAB enters debug mode and enables debugging capabilities that you can use to investigate the cause of the test failure.

Menu option to run the failed testB in the test browser and a breakpoint set in the testB function code

If you rerun the failed test in the Command Window with an appropriate actual value, the test passes.

Running sampleTest
10  verifyLessThan(testCase,-1.1,-1.2)
K>> verifyLessThan(testCase,-1.3,-1.2)

Exit debug mode and clear the breakpoint. Update the actual value in the test file, and save the file. Run the tests again by clicking the Run current suite button . All the tests pass.

Run parameterized tests by using the test browser.

In a file named cleanData.m in your current folder, create the cleanData function. The function accepts a numeric array and returns a cleaned and sorted version of the array. It vectorizes the array, removes the NaN, 0, and Inf entries, and finally sorts the vector.

function y = cleanData(X)
    y = X(:);         % Vectorize the array
    y = rmmissing(y); % Remove NaN entries
    % Remove 0 and Inf entries
    idx = (y == 0 | y == Inf);
    y = y(~idx);
    % If the vector is empty, set it to eps
    if isempty(y)
        y = eps;
    y = sort(y);      % Sort the vector

To test the cleanData function, create the parameterized CleanDataTest test class in a file named CleanDataTest.m in your current folder.

classdef CleanDataTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    properties (TestParameter)
        data = struct("empty",[],"scalar",0, ...
            "vector",[13 NaN 0],"matrix",[NaN 2 0; 1 Inf 3]);

    methods (Test)
        function sortTest(testCase,data)
            actual = cleanData(data);
        function nonemptyTest(testCase,data)
            actual = cleanData(data);

Open the test browser.


Add the tests in CleanDataTest to the test browser. To add the tests, click the Add tests button on the toolbar and then select the CleanDataTest.m file. The test browser creates a test suite and displays the test names in a test tree. Each name includes information about parameterization.

Run the tests that use the "matrix" parameter name. To run the tests, first select the two tests by pressing the Ctrl key while making selections with the mouse. Then, right-click one of the selected nodes and select Run Tests. In this example, both the tests pass.

Two parameterized tests selected to run

To run the remaining tests, click the Not Run button on the toolbar. Then, click the Run current suite button . All the tests pass.

You can customize a test run by selecting options in the Test Browser toolbar. Select an option to run your tests in parallel (requires Parallel Computing Toolbox).

In a file named TestRand.m in your current folder, create the parameterized TestRand class. The class results in 175 tests.

classdef TestRand < matlab.unittest.TestCase    
    properties (TestParameter)
        dim1 = createDimensionSizes;
        dim2 = createDimensionSizes;
        dim3 = createDimensionSizes;
        type = {'single','double'};
    methods (Test)
        function testRepeatable(testCase,dim1,dim2,dim3)
            state = rng;
            firstRun = rand(dim1,dim2,dim3);
            secondRun = rand(dim1,dim2,dim3);
        function testClass(testCase,dim1,dim2,type)
function sizes = createDimensionSizes
% Create logarithmically spaced sizes up to 100
sizes = num2cell(round(logspace(0,2,5)));

Open the test browser.


Add the tests in the TestRand class to the test browser. To add the tests, click the Add tests button on the toolbar and then select the TestRand.m file. The test browser creates a test suite and displays the test names in a test tree.

To run the tests in parallel, first click the Enable parallel test execution button on the toolbar. Then, click the Run current suite button . The test browser divides the test suite into groups and runs the groups on the available workers. You can see information about the groups in the Command Window. The test browser might vary the order and number of groups or which tests it includes in each group.

Split tests into 18 groups and running them on 6 workers.
Finished Group 1
Running TestRand
.......... ..
Done TestRand

Finished Group 3
Running TestRand
.......... .
Done TestRand

Finished Group 2
Running TestRand
.......... ..
Done TestRand

Finished Group 5
Running TestRand
.......... .
Done TestRand

Finished Group 4
Running TestRand
.......... .
Done TestRand

Finished Group 6
Running TestRand
.......... .
Done TestRand

Finished Group 7
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 9
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 8
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 11
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 10
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 12
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 13
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 15
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 14
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 16
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 17
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Finished Group 18
Running TestRand
Done TestRand

Collect code coverage information and generate an HTML code coverage report for your source code when you run tests using the test browser.

In a file named cleanData.m in your current folder, create the cleanData function. The function accepts a numeric array and returns a cleaned and sorted version of the array. It vectorizes the array, removes the NaN, 0, and Inf entries, and finally sorts the vector.

function y = cleanData(X)
    y = X(:);         % Vectorize the array
    y = rmmissing(y); % Remove NaN entries
    % Remove 0 and Inf entries
    idx = (y == 0 | y == Inf);
    y = y(~idx);
    % If the vector is empty, set it to eps
    if isempty(y)
        y = eps;
    y = sort(y);      % Sort the vector

To test the cleanData function, create the parameterized CleanDataTest test class in a file named CleanDataTest.m in your current folder.

classdef CleanDataTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    properties (TestParameter)
        data = struct("empty",[],"scalar",0, ...
            "vector",[13 NaN 0],"matrix",[NaN 2 0; 1 Inf 3]);

    methods (Test)
        function sortTest(testCase,data)
            actual = cleanData(data);
        function nonemptyTest(testCase,data)
            actual = cleanData(data);

Open the test browser.


Add the tests in CleanDataTest to the test browser. To add the tests, click the Add tests button on the toolbar, and then select the CleanDataTest.m file. The test browser creates a test suite and displays the test names in a test tree.

To generate a code coverage report for your source code in cleanData.m:

  1. Click the Open coverage settings button on the toolbar, and then select Enable coverage reporting.

  2. In the Coverage Settings section, under Source, click the Add Files button and select the cleanData.m file.

  3. In the Coverage Settings section, under Report, select Open coverage report after run if the check box is clear.

Coverage settings section, including the path to the source file

Run the tests by clicking the Run current suite button on the toolbar. The test browser runs the tests, generates an HTML code coverage report, and opens it after the test run. In this example, all the tests pass and the source code receives full function and statement coverage.

Related Examples

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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See Also


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