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Model Configuration Parameters

Update the configuration parameters for a Simulink® model that you create, before simulating or deploying the model to the controller.

In the Simulink window, click Hardware Settings in the HARDWARE tab to open the Configuration Parameters dialog box and select the target hardware in the Hardware board field.

Solver Configuration

In the Solver tab of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, for a fixed-step discrete solver, type auto in the Fixed-step size (fundamental sample time) field.

ADC Interface Configuration

If you connect analog inputs (current or voltage sensors) to the hardware board, configure the related ADC parameters in the Configuration Parameters dialog box by using these steps:

  1. Open the Hardware Implementation tab.

  2. Set the ADC clock prescaler and check the ADC clock frequency. Ensure that the displayed ADC clock frequency is less than the maximum value specified in the device datasheet.

This example shows the ADC configuration for LAUNCHXL-F28379D board. The maximum operating frequency of ADCCLK for TMS320F28379D targets is 50 MHz.

PWM Interface Configuration

If you connect PWM outputs from target device to the inverter, configure the related PWM parameters in the Configuration Parameters dialog box by using the following steps:

  1. Open the Hardware Implementation tab.

  2. Set the ePWM clock divider to SYSCLKOUT/1.

  3. Update the following PWM pin assignment fields.

ePWM pin settingsProperty
PWM1A pin assignmentGate pulse for Phase-A high-side transistor
PWM1B pin assignmentGate pulse for Phase-A low-side transistor
PWM2A pin assignmentGate pulse for Phase-B high-side transistor
PWM2B pin assignmentGate pulse for Phase-B low-side transistor
PWM3A pin assignmentGate pulse for Phase-C high-side transistor
PWM3B pin assignmentGate pulse for Phase-C low-side transistor

Hall Sensor Interface Configuration

If you connect a Hall sensor to the hardware board, configure the related parameters in the Configuration Parameters dialog box by using the following steps:

  1. Open the Hardware Implementation tab.

  2. Select the eCAP group under Hardware board settings > Target hardware resources.

  3. Update the following ECAP pin assignment fields:

ECAP pin assignment fieldField value

ECAP1 pin assignment

Hall A

ECAP2 pin assignment

Hall B

ECAP3 pin assignment

Hall C

The following example shows the eCAP configuration for a Hall sensor connected to DRV8312 board with a F28069 Piccolo MCU control card:

Quadrature Encoder Interface Configuration

If you connect a Quadrature Encoder sensor to the hardware board, configure the related parameters in the Configuration Parameters dialog box by using the following steps:

  1. Open the Hardware Implementation tab.

  2. Select the eQEP group under Hardware board settings > Target hardware resources.

  3. Update the following EQEP pin assignment fields:

EQEP pin assignment fieldProperty

EQEP1A pin assignment

Quadrature Encoder Channel A

EQEP1B pin assignment

Quadrature Encoder Channel B

EQEP1I pin assignment

Quadrature Encoder Index

The following example shows the eQEP configuration for a quadrature encoder sensor connected to a LAUNCHXL-F28379D board:

Serial Communication Interface Configuration

If you are generating code and using serial communication between host and target Simulink models, configure the related parameters in the Configuration Parameters dialog box by using the following steps:

  1. Open the Hardware Implementation tab.

  2. Select the SCI_A group under Hardware board settings > Target hardware resources.

  3. Update the following SCI_A settings:

    SCI_A settingsProperty
    Suspension modeSerial suspension mode
    Number of stop bitsStop bits
    Parity modeParity
    Character length bitsData bits
    Desired baud rate in bits/secSerial communication baud rate

    Pin assignment(Tx)

    Output pin for Serial Transmit

    Pin assignment(Rx)

    Input pin for Serial Receive

For example, use the following SCI_A configuration for a Hall sensor connected to a F28379D LaunchPad board:

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