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Configure the Client-Server Connection

You configure the client-server connection using an object that implements the MWHttpClientConfig interface. The interface defines these properties:

  • TimeoutMilliSeconds determines the amount of time, in milliseconds, the client waits for a response before timing out

  • ResponseSizeLimit determines the maximum size, in bytes, of the response a client accepts.

The API provides a default implementation, MWHttpClientDefaultConfig, that is automatically used when an HTTP client is instantiated. To modify the configuration, extend MWHttpClientDefaultConfig and pass it to the HTTP client constructor.

Create Connection with Default Configuration

When you create a client connection using the default constructor, MWHttpClient(), an instance of MWHttpClientDefaultConfig is automatically used to configure the client-server connection. The default configuration sets these connection properties.

  • TimeOutMs = 120000

  • ResponseSizeLimit = 64*1024*1024 (64 MB)

Create Connection with Custom Configuration

To change one or more connection properties:

  1. Implement a custom connection configuration by extending the MWHttpClientDefaultConfig interface.

  2. Create the client connection using one of the constructors that accepts a configuration object.

    • MWHttpClient(MWHttpClientConfig config)

    • MWHttpClient(MWHttpClientConfig config, MWSSLConfig securityConfig)

The following code sample creates a client connection with a timeout value of 1000 ms.

class MyClientConfig : MWHttpClientDefaultConfig
  public override int TimeoutMilliSeconds
    get { return 1000; }
MWClient client = new MWHttpClient(new MyClientConfig());

Implementing Custom Connection Configuration

To implement a custom connection configuration extend the MWHttpClientDefaultConfig interface. The MWHttpClientDefaultConfig interface has one getter method for each configuration property.

To specify that a client times out after 1 second and can only accept 4 MB responses:

class MyClientConfig : MWHttpClientDefaultConfig
  public override int TimeoutMilliSeconds
    get { return 60000; }
  public override int ResponseSizeLimit
    get { return 4*1024*1024; }

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