creates a deep clone of the controller2
= clone(controller1
Compute Velocity Commands and Optimal Trajectory for Differential-Drive Robot Using Timed Elastic Band Algorithm
Set Up Parking Lot Environment
Create an occupancyMap
object from a parking lot map and set the map resolution to 3 cells per meter.
load parkingMap.mat;
resolution = 3;
map = occupancyMap(map,resolution);
Visualize the map. The map contains the floor plan of a parking lot with some parking slots already occupied.
show(map) title("Parking Lot Map") hold on
Set Up and Run Global Planner
Create a validatorOccupancyMap
state validator using the stateSpaceSE2
definition. Specify the map and the distance for interpolating and validating path segments.
validator = validatorOccupancyMap(stateSpaceSE2,Map=map); validator.ValidationDistance = 0.1;
Create an RRT* path planner. Increase the maximum connection distance.
rrtstar = plannerRRTStar(validator.StateSpace,validator); rrtstar.MaxConnectionDistance = 0.2;
Set the start and goal states.
start = [2 9 0]; goal = [27 18 -pi/2];
Plan a path with default settings.
rng(42,"twister") % Set random number generator seed for repeatable result. route = plan(rrtstar,start,goal); refpath = route.States;
RRT* uses a random orientation, which can cause unnecessary turns.
headingToNextPose = headingFromXY(refpath(:,1:2));
Align the orientation to the path, except for at the start and goal states.
refpath(2:end-1,3) = headingToNextPose(2:end-1);
Visualize the path.
plot(refpath(:,1),refpath(:,2),"r-",LineWidth=2) hold off
Set Up and Run Local Planner
Create a local occupancyMap
object with a width and height of 15 meters and the same resolution as the global map.
localmap = occupancyMap(15,15,map.Resolution);
Create a controllerTEB
object by using the reference path generated by the global planner and the local map.
teb = controllerTEB(refpath,localmap);
Specify the properties of the controllerTEB
teb.LookAheadTime = 10; % sec teb.ObstacleSafetyMargin = 0.4; % meters % To generate time-optimal trajectories, specify a larger weight value, % like 100, for the cost function, Time. To follow the reference path % closely, keep the weight to a smaller value like 1e-3. teb.CostWeights.Time = 100;
Create a deep clone of the controllerTEB
teb2 = clone(teb);
Initialize parameters.
curpose = refpath(1,:);
curvel = [0 0];
simtime = 0;
% Reducing timestep can lead to more accurate path tracking.
timestep = 0.1;
itr = 0;
goalReached = false;
Compute velocity commands and optimal trajectory.
while ~goalReached && simtime < 200 % Update map to keep robot in the center of the map. Also update the % map with new information from the global map or sensor measurements. moveMapBy = curpose(1:2) - localmap.XLocalLimits(end)/2; localmap.move(moveMapBy,FillValue=0.5) syncWith(localmap,map) if mod(itr,10) == 0 % every 1 sec % Generate new vel commands with teb [velcmds,tstamps,curpath,info] = step(teb,curpose,curvel); goalReached = info.HasReachedGoal; feasibleDriveDuration = tstamps(info.LastFeasibleIdx); % If robot is far from goal and only less than third of trajectory % is feasible, then an option is to re-plan the path to follow to % reach the goal. if info.ExitFlag == 1 && ... feasibleDriveDuration < (teb.LookAheadTime/3) route = plan(rrtstar,curpose,[27 18 -pi/2]); refpath = route.States; headingToNextPose = headingFromXY(refpath(:,1:2)); refpath(2:end-1,3) = headingToNextPose(2:end-1); teb.ReferencePath = refpath; end timestamps = tstamps + simtime; % Show the updated information input to or output % from controllerTEB clf show(localmap) hold on plot(refpath(:,1),refpath(:,2),".-",Color="#EDB120", ... DisplayName="Reference Path") quiver(curpath(:,1),curpath(:,2), ... cos(curpath(:,3)),sin(curpath(:,3)), ... 0.2,Color="#A2142F",DisplayName="Current Path") quiver(curpose(:,1),curpose(:,2), ... cos(curpose(:,3)),sin(curpose(:,3)), ... 0.5,"o",MarkerSize=20,ShowArrowHead="off", ... Color="#0072BD",DisplayName="Start Pose") end simtime = simtime+timestep; % Compute the instantaneous velocity to be sent to the robot from the % series of timestamped commands generated by controllerTEB velcmd = velocityCommand(velcmds,timestamps,simtime); % Very basic robot model, should be replaced by simulator. statedot = [velcmd(1)*cos(curpose(3)) ... velcmd(1)*sin(curpose(3)) ... velcmd(2)]; curpose = curpose + statedot*timestep; if exist("hndl","var") delete(hndl) end hndl = quiver(curpose(:,1),curpose(:,2), ... cos(curpose(:,3)),sin(curpose(:,3)), ... 0.5,"o",MarkerSize=20,ShowArrowHead="off", ... Color="#D95319",DisplayName="Current Robot Pose"); itr = itr + 1; drawnow end legend
Input Arguments
— TEB controller
TEB controller, specified as a controllerTEB
Output Arguments
— Clone of TEB controller
Clone of TEB controller, returned as a controllerTEB
Version History
Introduced in R2023a
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