Plan Shortest Path Between Two States in Graph Using A-Star Path Planner
Load the Queensland road network.
Specify states, links, and weights for a navGraph
states = places.utm; % UTM coordinates of cities names =; % Names of cities links = [routes.start routes.end]; % Adjacent cities weights = routes.time; % Travel time between adjacent cities
Create a navGraph
graphObj = navGraph(states,links,Weight=weights, ...
Create a graph-based A* path planner.
planner = plannerAStar(graphObj);
Create a deep copy of the plannerAStar
planner2 = copy(planner)
planner2 = plannerAStar with properties: HeuristicCostFcn: @nav.algs.distanceManhattan TieBreaker: 0 Graph: [1x1 navGraph]
Specify a heuristic function returns an estimated time to reach the goal.
planner.HeuristicCostFcn = @(state1,state2) ...
Define the start and goal cities.
start = "Hughenden"; goal = "Brisbane";
Find the shortest path using the graph-based A* algorithm.
[pathOutput,solutionInfo] = plan(planner,start,goal);
Visualize the results.
h = show(graphObj); set(h,XData=graphObj.States.StateVector(:,1), ... YData=graphObj.States.StateVector(:,2)) pathStateIDs = solutionInfo.PathStateIDs; highlight(h,pathStateIDs,EdgeColor="#EDB120",LineWidth=4) highlight(h,pathStateIDs(1),NodeColor="#77AC30",MarkerSize=5) highlight(h,pathStateIDs(end),NodeColor="#D95319",MarkerSize=5)
Input Arguments
— A* path planner
A* path planner, specified as a plannerAStar
— Start state of path
positive integer | string scalar | character vector | numeric vector
Start state of the path, specified as a positive integer, string scalar, character vector, or numeric vector.
Example: 1
Example: "Brisbane"
Example: [1095.91458671447 6947.04365801860]
Data Types: single
| double
| char
| string
— Goal state of path
positive integer | string scalar | character vector | numeric vector
Goal state of the path, specified as a positive integer, string scalar, character vector, or numeric vector.
Example: 5
Example: "Hughenden"
Example: [208.622393818849 7691.91766093269]
Data Types: single
| double
| char
| string
Output Arguments
— Shortest path between states
numeric matrix
Shortest path between states, returned as a numeric matrix.
Data Types: double
— Solution information
Solution information, returned as a structure. The fields of the structure are:
Field | Description |
IsPathFound | Indicates whether a path has been found. Returns
PathStateIDs | List of IDs of the states along the path found by A*. By default, the IDs are the numeric indices of the states in the graph object. If you specify names for the states while constructing the graph object, this field contains the names instead. |
PathCost | Total cost of the path. If no path is found, then the cost is
ExploredStateIDs | List of IDs of the states explored by A* during the search. By default, the IDs are the numeric indices of the states in the graph object. If you specify names for the states while constructing the graph object, this field contains the names instead. |
NumExploredStates | Number of states explored during the search. Equal to the length of
the |
Data Types: struct
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Version History
Introduced in R2023a
See Also
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