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Checking Validity of Gradients or Jacobians

Optimization solvers often compute more quickly and reliably when you provide first derivatives of objective and nonlinear constraint functions. However, you can easily make a mistake in programming these derivatives. To guard against incorrect derivatives, check the output of the programmed derivative against a finite-difference approximation by using the checkGradients function.

Check Gradient of Objective Function

Consider the objective Rastrigin's function


The following function computes Rastrigin's function and its gradient correctly.

function [f,g] = ras(x)
f = 20 + x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 - 10*cos(2*pi*x(1) + 2*pi*x(2));
if nargout > 1
    g(2) = 2*x(2) + 20*pi*sin(2*pi*x(1) + 2*pi*x(2));
    g(1) = 2*x(1) + 20*pi*sin(2*pi*x(1) + 2*pi*x(2));

Check that the ras function correctly computes the gradient near a random initial point. To see details of the calculation, set the Display name-value parameter to "on".

rng default
x0 = randn(1,2);
valid = checkGradients(@ras,x0,Display="on")

Objective function derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 7.32446e-08.

checkGradients successfully passed.

valid =



The badras function computes the gradient incorrectly.

function [f,g] = badras(x)
f = 20 + x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 - 10*cos(2*pi*x(1) + 2*pi*x(2));
if nargout > 1
    g(2) = 2*x(2) + 40*pi*sin(2*pi*x(1) + 2*pi*x(2));
    g(1) = 2*x(1) + 40*pi*sin(2*pi*x(1) + 2*pi*x(2));

checkGradients correctly reports that the badras function computes gradients incorrectly.

valid = checkGradients(@badras,x0,Display="on")

Objective function derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 0.494224.
  Supplied derivative element (1,1): 92.9841
  Finite-difference derivative element (1,1): 47.0291

checkGradients failed.

Supplied derivative and finite-difference approximation are
not within 'Tolerance' (1e-06).

valid =



Use the correct gradient to find a local minimum of ras(x).

rng default
x0 = randn(1,2);
options = optimoptions("fminunc",SpecifyObjectiveGradient=true);
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = fminunc(@ras,x0,options)
Local minimum found.

Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than
the value of the optimality tolerance.

x =

    0.9975    0.9975

fval =


exitflag =


output = 

  struct with fields:

       iterations: 9
        funcCount: 13
         stepsize: 5.7421e-05
     lssteplength: 1
    firstorderopt: 1.2426e-05
        algorithm: 'quasi-newton'
          message: 'Local minimum found.↵↵Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than↵the value of the optimality tolerance.↵↵<stopping criteria details>↵↵Optimization completed: The first-order optimality measure, 2.482746e-07, is less ↵than options.OptimalityTolerance = 1.000000e-06.'

The solver takes 9 iterations and only 13 function evaluations to reach a local minimum. Without the gradient, the solver takes more function evaluations.

[x,fval,exitflag,output] = fminunc(@ras,x0) % No options
Local minimum found.
output = 

  struct with fields:

       iterations: 9
        funcCount: 39

This time, the solver takes 39 function evaluations to reach essentially the same solution as before.

Check Jacobian of Vector Objective Function

The lsqnonlin, lsqcurvefit, and fsolve functions use vector-valued objective functions. (The objective function that these solvers try to minimize is the sum of squares of the vector-valued objective.) A Jacobian is the first derivative of a vector-valued objective function. The Jacobian J of a function F(x) with m components, where the variable x has n components, is an m-by-n matrix. J(i,j) is the partial derivative of Fi(x) with respect to xj.

For example, the vecfun code calculates the gradient for a function of four parameters (a, b, c, and d in the code) with a number of variables that depends on the input data t. The t vector corresponds to a set of times, and each time leads to two entries in the objective function F(x,t).

function [F,J] = vecfun(x,t)
t = t(:); % Reshape t to a column vector
a = x(1);
b = x(2);
c = x(3);
d = x(4);
nt = length(t);
F = [a*exp(-b*t) + c,...
    c*exp(-d*t)]; % numel(F) = 2*nt
if nargout > 1
    J = zeros(2*nt,4);
    J(1:nt,1) = exp(-b*t); % First nt components corresponding to a*exp(-b*t) + c
    J(1:nt,2) = (-t.*a.*exp(-b*t));
    J(1:nt,3) = ones(nt,1);
    J(nt+1:2*nt,3) = exp(-d*t); % Second nt components corresponding to c*exp(-d*t)
    J(nt+1:2*nt,4) = (-t.*c.*exp(-d*t));

Validate the gradient calculation in vecfun.

t = [-1/2 1/2 1]; % Three times
x = [1 2 3 4]; % Arbitrary x point
valid = checkGradients(@(x)vecfun(x,t),x,Display="on")

Objective function derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 1.51598e-08.

checkGradients successfully passed.

valid =



Create artificial response data corresponding to the vecfun function at a set of times. Use the Jacobian to help fit parameters of the function to the data.

t = linspace(1,5);
x0 = [1 2 3 4];
rng default
x01 = rand(1,4);
y = vecfun(x0,t);
y = y + 0.1*randn(size(y)); % Add noise to response
options = optimoptions("lsqcurvefit",SpecifyObjectiveGradient=true);
[x,resnorm,~,exitflag,output] = lsqcurvefit(@vecfun,x01,t,y,[],[],options)
Local minimum possible.

lsqcurvefit stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to 
its initial value is less than the value of the function tolerance.

x =

    0.9575    1.4570    2.9894    3.7289

resnorm =


exitflag =


output = 

  struct with fields:

      firstorderopt: 1.0824e-04
         iterations: 11
          funcCount: 12
       cgiterations: 0
          algorithm: 'trust-region-reflective'
           stepsize: 0.0111
            message: 'Local minimum possible.↵↵lsqcurvefit stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to ↵its initial value is less than the value of the function tolerance.↵↵<stopping criteria details>↵↵Optimization stopped because the relative sum of squares (r) is changing↵by less than options.FunctionTolerance = 1.000000e-06.'
       bestfeasible: []
    constrviolation: []

The returned solution vector, [0.9575,1.4570,2.9894,3.7289], is close to the original vector [1,2,3,4]. The solver takes just 12 function evaluations. Without the Jacobian, the solver takes more evaluations.

[x,resnorm,~,exitflag,output] = lsqcurvefit(@vecfun,x01,t,y) % No options
Local minimum possible.
output = 

  struct with fields:

      firstorderopt: 1.0825e-04
         iterations: 11
          funcCount: 60

This time, the solver takes 60 function evaluations to reach essentially the same solution as before.

Modify Finite-Difference Options and checkGradients Arguments

Sometimes checkGradients can give an incorrect result:

  • For a correct gradient, checkGradients can give a false report of an invalid check. Typically, this occurs because the function has a relatively large second derivative, so the finite-difference estimate is inaccurate. The false report can also occur because the value of the Tolerance name-value argument is too small.

  • For an incorrect gradient, checkGradients can give a false report of a valid check. Typically, this false report occurs because the value of the Tolerance name-value argument is too large, or because the results contain a coincidentally matching derivative.

To check the gradient more carefully when you get a false report of an invalid check, change the finite differencing options. For example, checkGradients incorrectly reports that the ras gradient is incorrect starting from the point [-2,4].

valid = checkGradients(@ras,[-2,4],Display="on")

Objective function derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 1.88497e-06.
  Supplied derivative element (1,2): 6.21515
  Finite-difference derivative element (1,2): 6.21516

checkGradients failed.

Supplied derivative and finite-difference approximation are
not within 'Tolerance' (1e-06).

valid =



Set the FiniteDifferenceType option to "central" and test again.

opts = optimoptions("fmincon",FiniteDifferenceType="central");
valid = checkGradients(@ras,[-2,4],opts,Display="on")

Objective function derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 1.10182e-09.

checkGradients successfully passed.

valid =



Central finite differences are typically more accurate. In this case, the relative difference between the computed gradient and the central finite-difference estimate is about 1e-9. The default forward finite difference gives a relative difference of about 2e-6.

Check the validity of the gradient by loosening the tolerance from the default 1e-6 to 1e-5.

valid = checkGradients(@ras,[-2,4],Tolerance=1e-5,Display="on")

Objective function derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 1.88497e-06.

checkGradients successfully passed.

valid =



In this case, checkGradients correctly reports that the gradient is valid. The looser tolerance does not cause the badras function to pass the check.

valid = checkGradients(@badras,[-2,4],Tolerance=1e-5,Display="on")

Objective function derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 0.400823.
  Supplied derivative element (1,2): 4.4368
  Finite-difference derivative element (1,2): 6.21516

checkGradients failed.

Supplied derivative and finite-difference approximation are
not within 'Tolerance' (1e-05).

valid =



Check Derivatives of Nonlinear Constraints

The unitdisk2 function correctly calculates a constraint function and its gradient to keep x inside the disk of radius 1.

function [c,ceq,gc,gceq] = unitdisk2(x)
c = x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 - 1;
ceq = [ ];

if nargout > 2
    gc = [2*x(1);2*x(2)];
    gceq = [];

The unitdiskb function incorrectly calculates the gradient of the constraint function.

function [c,ceq,gc,gceq] = unitdiskb(x)
c = x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 - 1;
ceq = [ ];

if nargout > 2
    gc = [x(1);x(2)]; % Gradient incorrect: off by a factor of 2
    gceq = [];

Set the IsConstraint name-value argument to true and check the gradient at the point x0 = randn(1,2).

rng default
x0 = randn(1,2);
valid = checkGradients(@unitdisk2,x0,IsConstraint=true,Display="on")

Nonlinear inequality constraint derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 1.53459e-08.

checkGradients successfully passed.

valid =

  1×2 logical array

   1   1

checkGradients correctly reports that the gradient of unitdisk2 is valid.

valid = checkGradients(@unitdiskb,x0,IsConstraint=true,Display="on")

Nonlinear inequality constraint derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 1.
  Supplied derivative element (2,1): 1.8324
  Finite-difference derivative element (2,1): 3.66479

checkGradients failed.

Supplied derivative and finite-difference approximation are
not within 'Tolerance' (1e-06).

valid =

  1×2 logical array

   0   1

checkGradients correctly reports that the gradient of unitdiskb is not valid.

Check Gradients in Script

You can use the checkGradients function to stop a script when a finite-difference approximation does not match the corresponding gradient function.

rng default
x0 = randn(1,2);
opts = optimoptions("fmincon",FiniteDifferenceType="central");
[x,fval] = fmincon(@ras,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],@unitdisk2)

Objective function derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 7.52301e-10.

checkGradients successfully passed.


Nonlinear inequality constraint derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 1.44672e-11.

checkGradients successfully passed.

Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints.

Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in 
feasible directions, to within the value of the optimality tolerance,
and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.

x =

    0.4987    0.4987

fval =


Run the same script with the incorrect unitdiskb constraint function. Note that the script stops early.

rng default
x0 = randn(1,2);
opts = optimoptions("fmincon",FiniteDifferenceType="central");
[x,fval] = fmincon(@ras,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],@unitdiskb)

Objective function derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 7.52301e-10.

checkGradients successfully passed.


Nonlinear inequality constraint derivatives:
Maximum relative difference between supplied 
and finite-difference derivatives = 1.
  Supplied derivative element (2,1): 1.8324
  Finite-difference derivative element (2,1): 3.66479

checkGradients failed.

Supplied derivative and finite-difference approximation are
not within 'Tolerance' (1e-06).

Error using assert
Assertion failed.

See Also

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