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Generate Single-Precision quadprog Code

This example shows how to generate code for a single-precision target using the quadprog solver. The quadratic programming problem is to generate a relatively sparse solution to a quadratic problem by using an L1 penalty. This technique, called Lasso regression, is available with the lasso (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) function.

Specifically, given a matrix A, vector b, and penalty parameter λ, Lasso regression solves the problem


Because of the L1 penalty, the result of Lasso regression typically has several zero entries.

Recast this problem into the form of a quadratic program suitable for solution by quadprog. Let e represent the column vector of ones of length n, where n is the number of columns in A. Let s represent a column vector of length n, so eTs is the dot product of e and s. The following quadratic program is equivalent to the original Lasso problem:

minx,z,s12zTz+λeTssubject toAx-b=z-sxss0.

Create single-precision data for the A, b, and λ coefficients. Set A as a 30-by-8 pseudorandom matrix. Set b as a 30-by-1 pseudorandom vector made from a vector x_exp that has roughly half its entries equal to zero. Create λ as a single-precision scalar 1.

rng default;
m = 30;
n = 8;

datatype = "single";
x_exp = randi([0 1],n,1,datatype) .* randn(n,1,datatype);
A = rand(m,n,datatype);
b = A*x_exp;
lambda = cast(1,datatype);

Create Function to Solve Problem in Single Precision

Save the solveLassoProb function code, given below, as a file on your MATLAB® path.

function [x,reserror,flag] = solveLassoProb(A,b,lambda)

[m,n] = size(A);

% Build the objective.
H = blkdiag(zeros(n,"like",b), ...  % x
            eye(m,"like",b), ...    % z
            zeros(n,"like",b));     % s

f = [zeros(n,1,"like",b);           % x
     zeros(m,1,"like",b);           % z
     lambda*ones(n,1,"like",b)];    % s

% Define z as the residual (Ax - b).
Aeq = [A  -eye(m,m,"like",b) zeros(m,n,"like",b)];
beq = b;

% Add inequalities between x and s. Ensure datatype consistency.
Aineq = [eye(n,"like",b) zeros(n,m,"like",b) -eye(n,"like",b)
         -eye(n,"like",b) zeros(n,m,"like",b) -eye(n,"like",b)];
bineq = zeros(2*n,1,"like",b);

% s must be nonnegative.
lb = [-optim.coder.infbound(n+m,1,"like",b); zeros(n,1,"like",b)];
ub = optim.coder.infbound(2*n+m,1,"like",b);

x0 = zeros(2*n+m,1,"like",b);

% Set options to use the "active-set" algorithm (required for code
% generation).
options = optimoptions("quadprog",Algorithm="active-set");

[xall,~,flag] = quadprog(H,f,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options);
x = xall(1:n);
reserror = norm(A*x - b,2);

Solve Problem in Double Precision

Before solving the problem using single-precision code generation, ensure that the problem formulation is correct by solving the problem using double-precision coefficients.

Ad = double(A);
bd = double(b);
lambdad = double(lambda);
[x,reserror,flag] = solveLassoProb(Ad,bd,lambdad);
Minimum found that satisfies the constraints.

Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in 
feasible directions, to within the value of the optimality tolerance,
and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.

<stopping criteria details>

Compare the solution variables x to the original variables x_exp.

array2table([x,x_exp],"VariableNames",["LASSO Solution","Original Variables"])
ans=8×2 table
    LASSO Solution    Original Variables
    ______________    __________________

          3.5587             3.5784     
          2.7068             2.7694     
      5.8508e-16                  0     
          2.9592             3.0349     
          0.5613             0.7254     
      6.9575e-17                  0     
      1.2929e-16                  0     
     -2.3311e-16           -0.20497     

Lasso regression affects variables 5 and 8 to a large extent. The residual error overall is fairly large.


To achieve a more accurate solution, lower the penalty term λ to 0.025.

lambdad = double(0.025);
[x,reserror,flag] = solveLassoProb(Ad,bd,lambdad);
Minimum found that satisfies the constraints.

Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in 
feasible directions, to within the value of the optimality tolerance,
and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.

<stopping criteria details>
array2table([x,x_exp],"VariableNames",["LASSO Solution","Original Variables"])
ans=8×2 table
    LASSO Solution    Original Variables
    ______________    __________________

          3.5765             3.5784     
          2.7621             2.7694     
      5.8974e-16                  0     
          3.0298             3.0349     
         0.71407             0.7254     
      8.3285e-17                  0     
      2.6037e-16                  0     
        -0.17967           -0.20497     

Variables 5 and 8 are closer to their target (original) values. Check the value of the residual.


The residual is roughly a factor of 10 smaller than before. Use the new value of λ to generate single-precision code.

Generate Single-Precision Code and Solve Problem

Call codegen to create a MEX file target.

argList = {A,b,lambda};
codegen -config:mex -args argList solveLassoProb
Code generation successful.

MATLAB creates the file solveLassoProb_mex in the current folder.

Solve the problem using the single-precision generated code.

lambda = single(lambdad);
[xs,reserrors,flag] = solveLassoProb_mex(A,b,lambda);

Compare the single-precision results to both the double-precision results and the original data.

array2table([xs,x,x_exp],"VariableNames",["Codegen Single Solution","Double Solution","Original Variables"])
ans=8×3 table
    Codegen Single Solution    Double Solution    Original Variables
    _______________________    _______________    __________________

               3.5765                3.5765              3.5784     
               2.7621                2.7621              2.7694     
          -4.4278e-08            5.8974e-16                   0     
               3.0298                3.0298              3.0349     
              0.71407               0.71407              0.7254     
           1.3336e-07            8.3285e-17                   0     
           7.4389e-08            2.6037e-16                   0     
             -0.17967              -0.17967            -0.20497     

To display precision, the single-precision solution variables are the same as the double-precision solution variables except for the values near zero.

See Also


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