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System object: phased.HeterogeneousConformalArray
Namespace: phased

Normal vector to array elements


normvec = getElementNormal(sConfArray)
normvec = getElementNormal(sConfArray,elemidx)


normvec = getElementNormal(sConfArray) returns the normal vectors of the array elements of the phased.sConfArray System object™, sConfArray. The output argument normvec is a 2-by-N matrix, where N is the number of elements in array, sConfArray. Each column of normvec defines the normal direction of an element in the local coordinate system in the form[az;el]. Units are degrees. The origin of the local coordinate system is defined by the phase center of the array.

normvec = getElementNormal(sConfArray,elemidx) returns only the normal vectors of the elements specified in the element index vector, elemidx. This syntax can use any of the input arguments in the previous syntax.

Input Arguments

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Heterogeneous conformal array, specified as a phased.HeterogeneousConformalArray System object.

Example: phased.HeterogeneousConformalArray

Element indices, specified as a 1-by-M or M-by-1 vector. Index values lie in the range 1 to N where N is the number of elements of the array. When elemidx is specified, getElementNormal returns the normal vectors of the elements contained in elemidx.

Example: [1,5,4]

Output Arguments

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Element normal vectors, specified as a 2-by-P real-valued vector. Each column of normvec takes the form [az,el]. When elemidx is not specified, P equals the array dimension. When elemidx is specified, P equals the length of elemidx, M.


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Construct a 5-element acoustic cross array (UCA) composed of two different types of cosine antenna elements. Use the Phased.HeterogeneousConformalArray System object™. Assume the operating frequency is 4 kHz. A typical value for the speed of sound in seawater is 1500.0 m/s. Display the array normal vectors.

N = 5;
fc = 4000;
c = 1500.0;
lam = c/fc;
x = zeros(1,N);
y = [-1,0,1,0,0]*lam/2;
z = [0,0,0,-1,1]*lam/2;
sCos1 = phased.CosineAntennaElement('CosinePower',1.5);
sCos2 = phased.CosineAntennaElement('CosinePower',1.8);
sHCA = phased.HeterogeneousConformalArray('ElementSet',{sCos1,sCos2},...
pos = getElementPosition(sHCA)
pos = 3×5

         0         0         0         0         0
   -0.1875         0    0.1875         0         0
         0         0         0   -0.1875    0.1875

normvec = getElementNormal(sHCA)
normvec = 2×5

   -20   -10     0    10    20
     0     0     0     0     0

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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