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Receiver filter matching loss

Since R2021a


    Lm = matchingloss(S,H) calculates the receiver filter loss, Lm, in dB. The receiver loss is introduced due to a mismatch between the spectrum of the received signal, S, and the frequency response of the mismatched filter, H.



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    Compute the matching loss for a rectangular pulse and a mismatched second-order Butterworth filter.

    Define sampling frequency, pulsewidth, and filter bandwidth.

    Fs = 10;    % Sampling frequency (Hz)
    tau = 1.2;  % Pulsewidth (s)
    B = 1.0;    % Filter bandwidth (Hz)

    Calculate the rectangular pulse in the time domain.

    s = ones(1,Fs*tau);

    Calculate the spectrum of the received pulse.

    nfft = 2^(nextpow2(tau*Fs)+1);
    S = fft(s,nfft);

    Calculate the frequency response of a second-order Butterworth filter with bandwidth B.

    [b,a] = butter(2,B/Fs);
    [H,w] = freqz(b,a,nfft,'whole',Fs);

    Compute the matching loss for the pulsewidth-bandwidth product, tau*B = 1.2.

    Lm = matchingloss(S,H.')
    Lm = 

    Input Arguments

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    Spectrum of the received signal, specified as a J-by-N matrix with rows corresponding to spectra of J signals and columns corresponding to N frequency bins.

    Frequency response of the mismatch filter, specified as a K-by-N matrix with rows corresponding to frequency responses of K filters and columns corresponding to N frequency bins.


    The columns of S and H must correspond to the same N frequency bins.

    Output Arguments

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    Matching loss, returned as a J-by-K matrix in dB. The matching loss matrix is computed for each combination of J signals and K filters.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a

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