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Display summary report for Cape Cod analysis

Since R2021a


unpaidClaimsEstimateTable = summary(cc) displays a summary report of different claims estimates using the Cape Cod technique. The report displays the latest diagonal of both reported and paid development triangles, projected ultimate claims, cases outstanding, IBNR claims, and total unpaid claims estimates.



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This example shows how to generate a summary report for a capeCod object for simulated insurance claims data.

load InsuranceClaimsData.mat;
    OriginYear    DevelopmentYear    ReportedClaims    PaidClaims
    __________    _______________    ______________    __________

       2010             12               3995.7          1893.9  
       2010             24                 4635          3371.2  
       2010             36               4866.8          4079.1  
       2010             48               4964.1            4487  
       2010             60               5013.7          4711.4  
       2010             72               5038.8          4805.6  
       2010             84                 5059          4853.7  
       2010             96               5074.1          4877.9  

Use developmentTriangle to convert the data to a development triangle, which is the standard form for representing claims data. Create two developmentTriangle objects, one for reported claims and one for paid claims.

dT_reported = developmentTriangle(data,'Origin','OriginYear','Development','DevelopmentYear','Claims','ReportedClaims')
dT_reported = 
  developmentTriangle with properties:

                          Origin: {10x1 cell}
                     Development: {10x1 cell}
                          Claims: [10x10 double]
                  LatestDiagonal: [10x1 double]
                     Description: ""
                      TailFactor: 1
    CumulativeDevelopmentFactors: [1.3069 1.1107 1.0516 1.0261 1.0152 1.0098 1.0060 1.0030 1.0010 1]
               SelectedLinkRatio: [1.1767 1.0563 1.0249 1.0107 1.0054 1.0038 1.0030 1.0020 1.0010]

dT_paid = developmentTriangle(data,'Origin','OriginYear','Development','DevelopmentYear','Claims','PaidClaims')
dT_paid = 
  developmentTriangle with properties:

                          Origin: {10x1 cell}
                     Development: {10x1 cell}
                          Claims: [10x10 double]
                  LatestDiagonal: [10x1 double]
                     Description: ""
                      TailFactor: 1
    CumulativeDevelopmentFactors: [2.4388 1.4070 1.1799 1.0810 1.0378 1.0178 1.0080 1.0030 1.0010 1]
               SelectedLinkRatio: [1.7333 1.1925 1.0914 1.0417 1.0196 1.0097 1.0050 1.0020 1.0010]

Create a capeCod object where the first input argument is the reported development triangle, the second input argument is the paid development triangle, and the third input is the earned premium.

earnedPremium = [17000; 18000; 10000; 19000; 16000; 10000; 11000; 10000; 14000; 10000];
cc = capeCod(dT_reported, dT_paid,earnedPremium)
cc = 
  capeCod with properties:

           ReportedTriangle: [1x1 developmentTriangle]
               PaidTriangle: [1x1 developmentTriangle]
              EarnedPremium: [10x1 double]
              UsedUpPremium: [10x1 double]
       EstimatedClaimRatios: [10x1 double]
         ExpectedClaimRatio: 0.4258
    EstimatedExpectedClaims: [10x1 double]
          PercentUnreported: [10x1 double]
            CaseOutstanding: [10x1 double]

Use summary to generate a summary report for the different claims estimates.

unpaidClaimsEstimateTable = summary(cc)
unpaidClaimsEstimateTable=11×6 table
             Reported Claims    Paid Claims    Ultimate Claims    Case Outstanding     IBNR     Total Unpaid Claim Estimate
             _______________    ___________    _______________    ________________    ______    ___________________________

    2010         5089.4           4892.6           5089.4              196.79              0              196.79           
    2011         5179.9           5134.4           5187.6               45.46          7.665              53.125           
    2012         5625.4           5512.3           5638.2              113.15         12.745               125.9           
    2013         5803.7           5728.9             5852               74.83         48.338              123.17           
    2014         5878.7           5759.1           5944.7              119.58         66.006              185.59           
    2015         5772.8           5763.6           5836.7                 9.2         63.901              73.101           
    2016         5714.3           5472.4           5833.2              241.88         118.98              360.86           
    2017         5854.4           5171.2           6063.2              683.23         208.81              892.04           
    2018         5495.1           4386.1           6089.3                1109         594.21              1703.2           
    2019         4945.9           2764.8           5945.9              2181.1         999.98              3181.1           
    Total         55360            50585            57480              4774.2         2120.6              6894.9           

Input Arguments

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Cape Cod object, specified as a previously created capeCod object.

Data Types: object

Output Arguments

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Report of claims estimates obtained using the Cape Cod technique, returned as a table.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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