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Display developmentTriangle object

Since R2020b


developmentTriangleTable = view(developmentTriangle) displays a developmentTriangle object in table form. Each row represents an origin period and each column represents a development period.



collapse all

Display a developmentTriangle object using simulated insurance claims data in table form.

load InsuranceClaimsData.mat;
    OriginYear    DevelopmentYear    ReportedClaims    PaidClaims
    __________    _______________    ______________    __________

       2010             12               3995.7          1893.9  
       2010             24                 4635          3371.2  
       2010             36               4866.8          4079.1  
       2010             48               4964.1            4487  
       2010             60               5013.7          4711.4  
       2010             72               5038.8          4805.6  
       2010             84                 5059          4853.7  
       2010             96               5074.1          4877.9  

Use developmentTriangle to convert the data to a development triangle, which is the standard form for representing claims data.

dT = developmentTriangle(data)
dT = 
  developmentTriangle with properties:

                          Origin: {10x1 cell}
                     Development: {10x1 cell}
                          Claims: [10x10 double]
                  LatestDiagonal: [10x1 double]
                     Description: ""
                      TailFactor: 1
    CumulativeDevelopmentFactors: [1.3069 1.1107 1.0516 1.0261 1.0152 1.0098 1.0060 1.0030 1.0010 1]
               SelectedLinkRatio: [1.1767 1.0563 1.0249 1.0107 1.0054 1.0038 1.0030 1.0020 1.0010]

Use the view function to display the developmentTriangle contents in table form. In the table, each row represents an origin period and each column represents a development period.

developmentTriangleTable = view(dT)
developmentTriangleTable=10×10 table
              12        24        36        48        60        72        84        96       108       120  
            ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______

    2010    3995.7      4635    4866.8    4964.1    5013.7    5038.8      5059    5074.1    5084.3    5089.4
    2011      3968    4682.3    4963.2    5062.5    5113.1    5138.7    5154.1    5169.6    5179.9       NaN
    2012      4217    5060.4      5364    5508.9    5558.4    5586.2    5608.6    5625.4       NaN       NaN
    2013    4374.2    5205.3    5517.7    5661.1    5740.4    5780.6    5803.7       NaN       NaN       NaN
    2014    4499.7    5309.6    5628.2    5785.8    5849.4    5878.7       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
    2015    4530.2    5300.4    5565.4    5715.7    5772.8       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
    2016    4572.6    5304.2    5569.5    5714.3       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
    2017    4680.6    5523.1    5854.4       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
    2018    4696.7    5495.1       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
    2019    4945.9       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN

Input Arguments

collapse all

Development triangle, specified as a previously created developmentTriangle object.

Data Types: object

Output Arguments

collapse all

Development triangle in table form, returned as a table. In the table, each row represents an origin period and each column represents a development period.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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