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Interpolate between transformations

Since R2022b


    transformation0 = interp(transformation1,transformation2,points) interpolates at normalized positions points between transformations transformation1 and transformation2.

    The function interpolates rotations using a quaternion spherical linear interpolation, and linearly interpolates translations.

    rotation0 = interp(rotation1,rotation2,points) interpolates at normalized rotations points between rotations rotation1 and rotation2.

    The function interpolates rotations using a quaternion spherical linear interpolation

    ___ = interp(___,transformation2,N) interpolates N steps between the specified transformations or rotations.

    Input Arguments

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    First transformation, specified as a scalar se2 object, a scalar se3 object, or as an N-element array of transformation objects, where N is the total number of transformations. If you specify transformation1 as an array, each element must be of the same type.

    Either transformation1 or transformation2 must be a scalar transformation object of the same type. For example, if transformation1 is an array of se2 objects, transformation2 must be a scalar se2 object.

    Last transformation, specified as a scalar se2 object, a scalar se3 object, or as an N-element array of transformation objects, where N is the total number of transformations. If you specify transformation2 as an array, each element must be of the same type.

    Either transformation1 or transformation2 must be a scalar transformation object of the same type. For example, if transformation1 is an array of se2 objects, transformation2 must be a scalar se2 object.

    First rotation, specified as a scalar so2 object, a scalar so3 object, or as an N-element array of rotation objects, where N is the total number of rotations. If you specify rotation1 as an array, each element must be of the same type.

    Either rotation1 or rotation2 must be a scalar rotation object of the same type. For example, if rotation1 is an array of so2 objects, rotation2 must be a scalar so2 object.

    Last rotation, specified as a scalar so2 object, a scalar so3 object, or as an N-element array of rotation objects, where N is the total number of rotations. If you specify rotation2 as an array, each element must be of the same type.

    Either rotation1 or rotation2 must be a scalar rotation object of the same type. For example, if rotation1 is an array of se2 objects, rotation2 must be a scalar se2 object.

    Normalized positions, specified as an N-element row vector of values in the range [0, 1], where N is the total number of interpolated positions. Normalized positions 0 and 1 correspond to the first and last transformations or rotations, respectively.

    Example: interp(tf1,tf2,0.5) interpolates a transformation halfway between tf1 and tf2.

    Example: interp(r1,r2,0.5) interpolates a rotation halfway between r1 and r2.

    Number of interpolated positions, specified as a positive integer.

    Example: interp(tf1,tf2,5) interpolates five transformations between transformations tf1 and tf2.

    Example: interp(r1,r2,7) interpolates seven rotations between rotations r1 and r2.

    Output Arguments

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    Interpolated transformations, returned as an N-by-M matrix of the same transformation type as transformation1 and transformation2, where N is the length of the longer argument between transformation1 and transformation2, and M is the number of interpolated positions. Each row represents an interpolated transformation between transformation1 and transformation2.

    Interpolated rotations, returned as an N-by-M matrix of the same rotation type as rotation1 and rotation2, where N is the length of the longer argument between rotation1 and rotation2, and M is the number of interpolated positions. Each row represents an interpolated transformation between rotation1 and rotation2.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

    See Also



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