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Read Data

Play back data from ROS 2 log file

Since R2021b

  • Read Data ROS 2

ROS Toolbox / ROS 2


The Read Data block plays back ROS 2 bag log files by outputting the most recent message from the log file, based on the current simulation time. You must load a ROS 2 bag file in DB3 or MCAP file format and specify a topic, using the Topic parameter, to get a stream of messages from the file. The block outputs messages of this topic from the file in sync with the simulation time. If a folder contains multiple ROS 2 bag files, you can also read them using the Read Data block by loading the metadata file with .yaml extension.

In the Read Data block mask, select Load logfile data to specify a ROS 2 bag file to load. In the Load Logfile dialog box, specify the full path to the log file, or select Browse and navigate to the bag file you want to load. To start playback at a certain point in the file, specify Start time offset in seconds. To specify how long the block plays back this file from the specified start time, specify Duration in seconds. By default, the block outputs all messages for the specified topic in the file.




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New message indicator, returned as a logical scalar. If the output is 1, then the block loaded a new message from the ROS 2 bag file at the corresponding time. This output can be used to trigger subsystems for processing new messages.

Data Types: Boolean

ROS 2 message, returned as a nonvirtual bus. Messages are returned in the order they are stored in the ROS 2 bag file and synced with the simulation time.

Data Types: bus


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Specify the name of the topic to extract from the log file. This topic must exist in the loaded ROS 2 bag file. Click Select to inspect the available topics and select a specific topic.

Specify the interval between outputs. In simulation, the sample time follows simulation time rather than wall-clock time.

The default value indicates that the block sample time is inherited. For more information about the inherited sample time type, see Specify Sample Time (Simulink).

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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