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(To be removed) Display all ROS message contents

showdetails will be removed in a future release. Use rosShowDetails instead. For more information, see ROS Message Structure Functions.


details = showdetails(msg) gets all data contents of message object msg. The details are stored in details or displayed on the command line.


showdetails will be removed. Use rosShowDetails instead. For more information, see ROS Message Structure Functions



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Create a message. Populate the message with data using the relevant properties.

msg = rosmessage('geometry_msgs/Point');
msg.X = 1;
msg.Y = 2;
msg.Z = 3;

View the message details.

  X :  1
  Y :  2
  Z :  3

Input Arguments

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ROS message, specified as a Message object handle.

Output Arguments

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Details of a ROS message, returned as a character vector.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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