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Style Sheets

Built-In Versus Custom Style Sheets

Style Sheets specify formatting and display settings for reports. The report-generation process uses style sheets to convert reports from DocBook XML format to a format that you specify. If you want to generate the given report in a different format than initially specified, you can convert the XML document using a different or modified style sheet.

The following table lists report output formats and their default style sheets.

Report FormatDefault Style Sheet
HTMLUses style sheets for either single- or multiple-page documents
PDFFormatting Object (FO) style sheet
RTF, WordDocument Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL) style sheet

The following table shows a list of properties for the built-in style sheets.

Properties of Style Sheets

Description A description of the style sheet.
Display nameThe style sheet name that appears in the Options pane.
Transform type

The process used to generate reports that use a specified style sheet. Supported types are:

  • HTML

  • FO (Formatting Object) for PDF reports

  • DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language) for RTF and Word reports


This field is not editable.

In most cases, the style sheets provided with the MATLAB® Report Generator™ software should be more than adequate for your needs. However, you may want to modify the built-in style sheets to meet special requirements. For example, suppose one of the built-in style sheets meets your requirements, but you want to change the page orientation. You can create a custom style sheet by editing the built-in style sheet to your specifications.

Customize Style Sheets Using Data Items

Each built-in style sheet includes editable styles, also called data items, organized in categories. These data items specify styles that the file converter uses for a given report. You can edit these data items to customize style sheets for your reports.

Data items can be of different types, some of which require different editing methods. For more information about editing data items, see Edit Style Sheet Data Items.


See the Help area at the bottom of the Properties pane on the right for a description of a specific data item that you are editing.

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