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Harmonic Drive

High-ratio speed reducer based on elastic deformation of an elliptical gear

  • Harmonic Drive block

Simscape / Driveline / Gears


The Harmonic Drive block represents a compact, high-ratio speed reduction mechanism that contains three key components:

  • Strain wave generator

  • Elliptical gear

  • Circular ring gear

A harmonic drive is backlash-free with a high-ratio of speed reduction by design. This is advantageous for systems that require precise gear positioning. The base shaft turns the strain wave generator, which is elliptical with bearings around the circumference. The bearings allow the strain wave generator to rotate within the elliptical gear. The elliptical gear is flexible, and the motion of the strain wave generator causes the vertices of the elliptical gear to move. This deformation of the ellipse causes the teeth of the elliptical gear to slowly climb the teeth of the circular ring gear. The ring gear has more teeth than the elliptical gear to allow for this motion. The elliptical gear transmits torque to the output shaft while rotating within the ring gear.

Meshing occurs concurrently at both vertices of the elliptical gear. This design doubles the teeth in mesh, thereby increasing the torque capacity of the drive system.

The internal meshing between the two gears causes the elliptical gear axis to spin counter to the elliptical strain wave generator.

Large reduction ratios arise from the near-equal gear tooth numbers. The effective gear reduction ratio is



  • r is the gear reduction ratio.

  • nC is the number of teeth on the circular ring gear.

  • nE is the number of teeth on the elliptical gear.

The Simple Gear block provides the foundation for this block.

Ring Gear Rotation

You can enable rotation of the circular ring gear by setting Ring gear rotation to On. The block exposes port R, which allows you to control the rotational motion of the ring gear by using a mechanical rotational input signal.


The Ring gear rotation parameter determines how you parameterize meshing losses.

When you set Ring gear rotation to Off, the block calculates the efficiencies using the Simple Gear block implementation. In this case, you parameterize the meshing losses the same way you would for the Simple Gear block. However, when you select On, the block calculates the efficiencies by implementing the Planetary Gear block. For this case, you parameterize the meshing losses the same way you would for the Planetary Gear block.

Thermal Model

You can model the effects of heat flow and temperature change by enabling the optional thermal port. To enable the port, set Friction model to Temperature-dependent efficiency.


Use the Variables settings to set the priority and initial target values for the block variables before simulating. For more information, see Set Priority and Initial Target for Block Variables.



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Mechanical rotational conserving port associated with the base shaft and the strain wave generator.

When you set Ring gear rotation to On, this port corresponds to port S of the Planetary Gear block. This is the sun gear.

Mechanical rotational conserving port associated with the follower shaft and the flexible spline.

When you set Ring gear rotation to On, this port corresponds to port R of the Planetary Gear block. This is the ring gear.

Mechanical rotational conserving port associated with the circular spline.

When you set Ring gear rotation to On, this port corresponds to port C of the Planetary Gear block. This is the carrier gear.


To enable this port, set Ring gear rotation to On.

Thermal conserving port associated with heat transfer.


To enable this port, set Friction model to either Temperature-dependent efficiency or Temperature and load-dependent efficiency.


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Option to simulate ring gear rotation. Set this parameter to On to expose port R.

Total number of teeth protruding outward from the elliptical gear perimeter. The value of this parameter should be slightly smaller than the number of teeth on the circular ring gear. The default difference of two teeth is common. The ratio of the two gear tooth numbers defines the relative angular velocities of the base and follower shafts.

Number of teeth protruding inward from the circular ring gear perimeter. The value of this parameter should be slightly larger than the number of teeth on the elliptical gear. The default difference of two teeth is common. The ratio of the two gear tooth numbers defines the relative angular velocities of the base and follower shafts.

Meshing Losses

To enable these parameters, set Ring gear rotation to Off.

Option to include friction meshing losses:

  • No meshing losses - Suitable for HIL simulation — The block ignores meshing losses.

  • Constant efficiency — You specify a component efficiency that remains constant throughout the simulation.

  • Load-dependent efficiency — The block reduces torque transfer by a variable efficiency factor. This factor falls in the range 0 < η < 1 and varies with the torque load.

  • Temperature-dependent efficiency — The block determines the torque transfer efficiency from the input at port H. This factor falls in the range 0 < η ≤ 1 and is independent from load.

  • Temperature and load-dependent efficiency — The block reduces torque transfer by a variable efficiency factor that depends on temperature and load. This factor falls in the range 0 < η < 1 and varies with the torque load.


To enable this parameter, set Ring gear rotation to Off.

Torque transfer efficiency (η) between base and follower shafts. This parameter is inversely proportional to the meshing power losses.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Constant efficiency.

Absolute value of the follower shaft power above which the full efficiency factor is in effect. A hyperbolic tangent function smooths the efficiency factor from zero when at rest to the full efficiency value at the power threshold.

As a guideline, the power threshold should be lower than the expected power transmitted during simulation. Higher values might cause the block to underestimate efficiency losses. However, very low values may raise the computational cost of simulation.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Constant efficiency.

Net torque (τidle) acting on the input shaft in idle mode, e.g., when torque transfer to the output shaft equals zero. For nonzero values, the power input in idle mode completely dissipates due to meshing losses.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Load-dependent efficiency.

Output torque (τF) at which to normalize the load-dependent efficiency.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Load-dependent efficiency.

Torque transfer efficiency (η) at the nominal output torque. Larger efficiency values correspond to greater torque transfer between the input and output shafts.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Load-dependent efficiency.

Absolute value of the follower shaft angular velocity above which the full efficiency factor is in effect (ωF). Below this value, a hyperbolic tangent function smooths the efficiency factor to one, lowering the efficiency losses to zero when at rest.

As a guideline, the angular velocity threshold should be lower than the expected angular velocity during simulation. Higher values might cause the block to underestimate efficiency losses. However, very low values may raise the computational cost of simulation.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Load-dependent efficiency.

Array of temperatures used to construct an efficiency lookup table. The array values must increase from left to right. The temperature array must be the same size as the efficiency array in temperature-dependent models. The array must be the same size as the Efficiency array.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to either:

  • Temperature-dependent efficiency

  • Temperature and load-dependent efficiency

Array of efficiencies used to construct a 1-D temperature-efficiency lookup table for temperature-dependent efficiency models. The array elements are the efficiencies at the temperatures in the Temperature array. The two arrays must be the same size.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to either:

  • Temperature-dependent efficiency

  • Temperature and load-dependent efficiency

Absolute value of the follower shaft power above which the full efficiency factor is in effect. A hyperbolic tangent function smooths the efficiency factor between zero when at rest and the value provided by the temperature-efficiency lookup table when at the power threshold.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Temperature-dependent efficiency.

Array of elliptical-gear loads used to construct a 2-D temperature-load-efficiency lookup table for temperature-and-load-dependent efficiency models. The array values must increase from left to right. The load array must be the same size as a single column of the efficiency matrix.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Temperature and load-dependent efficiency.

Matrix of component efficiencies used to construct a 2-D temperature-load-efficiency lookup table. The matrix elements are the efficiencies at the temperatures in the Temperature array and at the loads in the Load at elliptical gear array.

The number of rows must be the same as the number of elements in the Temperature array. The number of columns must be the same as the number of elements in the Load at elliptical gear array.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Temperature and load-dependent efficiency.

Absolute value of the follower shaft angular velocity above which the full efficiency factor is in effect. Below this value, a hyperbolic tangent function smooths the efficiency factor to one, lowering the efficiency losses to zero when at rest.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Temperature and load-dependent efficiency.

To enable these parameters, set Ring gear rotation to On.

Friction model for the block:

  • No meshing losses - Suitable for HIL simulation — Gear meshing is ideal.

  • Constant efficiency — Transfer of torque between the gear wheel pairs is reduced by a constant efficiency, η, such that 0 < η ≤ 1.

  • Temperature-dependent efficiency — Transfer of torque between the gear wheel pairs is defined by the table lookup based on the temperature.

Vector of torque transfer efficiencies where the first element represents the relationship between the strain wave generator and the elliptical gear, and the second element represents the relationship between the elliptical gear and the circular ring gear.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Constant efficiency.

Vector of temperatures used to construct a 1-D temperature-efficiency lookup table. The vector elements must increase from left to right.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Temperature-dependent efficiency.

Vector of output-to-input power ratios that describe the power flow from the strain wave generator to the elliptical gear. The block uses the values to construct a 1-D temperature-efficiency lookup table.

Each element is an efficiency that relates to a temperature in the Temperature vector. The length of the vector must be equal to the length of the Temperature vector. Each element in the vector must be in the range (0,1].


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Temperature-dependent efficiency.

Vector of output-to-input power ratios that describe the power flow from the elliptical gear to the flexible gear. The block uses the values to construct a 1-D temperature-efficiency lookup table.

Each element is an efficiency that relates to a temperature in the Temperature vector. The length of the vector must be equal to the length of the Temperature vector. Each element in the vector must be in the range (0,1].


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Temperature-dependent efficiency.

Vector of power thresholds above which full efficiency factors apply. Enter the thresholds in the order strain wave generator-circular gear, elliptical gear-circular gear. Below these values, a hyperbolic tangent function smooths the efficiency factor.

When you set Friction model to Constant efficiency, the block lowers the efficiency losses to zero when no power is transmitted. When you set Friction model to Temperature-dependent efficiency, the block smooths the efficiency factors between zero when at rest and the values provided by the temperature-efficiency lookup tables at the power thresholds.


To enable this parameter, set Friction model to Constant efficiency or Temperature-dependent efficiency.

Viscous Losses

Two-element array with the viscous friction coefficients in effect at the base and follower shafts. The default array corresponds to zero viscous losses.


To enable these parameters, set Ring gear rotation to On.

Option to include inertia due to ring gear rotation in your simulation.

Inertia of the wave generator gear.


To enable this parameter, set Inertia to On.

Inertia of the flexspline gear.


To enable this parameter, set Inertia to On.

Ring gear inertia.


To enable this parameter, set Inertia to On.

Thermal Port

Thermal energy required to change the component temperature by a single degree. The greater the thermal mass, the more resistant the component is to temperature change.

Component temperature at the start of simulation. The initial temperature alters the component efficiency according to an efficiency vector that you specify, affecting the starting meshing or friction losses.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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