Loaded-Contact Translational Friction
Loaded-contact friction between two sliding surfaces
Simscape /
Driveline /
Brakes & Detents /
The Loaded-Contact Translational Friction block simulates friction between two sliding surfaces loaded with a normal force.
The block is implemented as a structural component based on the Fundamental Friction Clutch block. From the locked state, the two surfaces unlock if the exerted force exceeds the static friction, as defined by the static coefficient of friction and current normal force. For details on how the locking and unlocking are modeled, see the Fundamental Friction Clutch block reference page.
Force is transmitted for normal forces larger than the Threshold force parameter.
The block simulates friction between two sliding surfaces loaded with a normal force. When the two sliding surfaces are not locked, the friction force is determined with these equations:
F is the transmitted force.
N is the normal force.
μ is the friction coefficient.
vrel is the relative velocity.
Fvisc is the viscous drag force.
μvisc is the viscous drag force coefficient.
Velocity-Dependent Model
You can model the effects of rotational velocity change by selecting a
velocity-dependent model. To choose a velocity-dependent model, in
the Friction settings, set the
Friction model parameter to
Velocity-dependent kinetic friction
. For information about a friction
model that depends on both velocity and temperature, see Thermal, Velocity-Dependent Model.
For the velocity-dependent model these related parameters become visible in the Friction settings:
Relative velocity vector
Kinetic friction coefficient vector
Friction coefficient interpolation method
Friction coefficient extrapolation method
Thermal Model
You can model the effects of heat flow and temperature change by
selecting a temperature-dependent model. To choose a
temperature-dependent model, in the Friction
settings, set the Friction model parameter to
Temperature-dependent friction
. For information about a friction
model that depends on both velocity and temperature, see Thermal, Velocity-Dependent Model.
For the temperature-dependent model, thermal port H and these settings are visible:
In the Friction settings:
Temperature vector
Static friction coefficient vector
Kinetic friction coefficient vector
Friction coefficient interpolation method
Friction coefficient extrapolation method
In the Thermal Port settings:
Thermal mass
Initial Temperature
Thermal, Velocity-Dependent Model
You can model the effects of rotational velocity change and heat flow
by selecting a velocity-dependent and temperature-dependent model.
To choose a model that depends on both velocity and temperature, in
the Friction settings, set the
Friction model parameter to
Temperature and velocity-dependent friction
For the velocity-dependent and temperature-dependent model, thermal port H and these related settings and parameters become visible:
In the Friction settings:
Relative velocity vector
Temperature vector
Static friction coefficient vector
Kinetic friction coefficient matrix
Friction coefficient interpolation method
Friction coefficient extrapolation method
In the Thermal Port settings:
Thermal mass
Initial Temperature
To model a fault in the Loaded-Contact Translational Friction block, in the Faults section, click the Add fault hyperlink next to the fault that you want to model. When the Add Fault window opens, you can to specify the fault properties. For more information about fault modeling, see Fault Behavior Modeling and Fault Triggering.
When you trigger a fault, the clutch responds according to the Behavior when faulted setting for the remainder of the simulation. The fault options are:
Cannot transmit power
Cannot unlock
Limitations and Assumptions
The model does not account for body mass. Add mass terms externally to the B and F ports as required.
The model computes the transmitted force assuming a uniform distribution of the normal force.