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Downsampling — Signal Phases

This example shows how to use downsample to obtain the phases of a signal. Downsampling a signal by M can produce M unique phases. For example, if you have a discrete-time signal, x, with x(0) x(1) x(2) x(3), ..., the M phases of x are x(nM + k) with k = 0,1, ..., M-1.

The M signals are referred to as the polyphase components of x.

Create a white noise vector and obtain the 3 polyphase components associated with downsampling by 3.

Reset the random number generator to the default settings to produce a repeatable result. Generate a white noise random vector and obtain the 3 polyphase components associated with downsampling by 3.

rng default
x = randn(36,1);
x0 = downsample(x,3,0);
x1 = downsample(x,3,1);
x2 = downsample(x,3,2);

The polyphase components have length equal to 1/3 the original signal.

Upsample the polyphase components by 3 using upsample.

y0 = upsample(x0,3,0);
y1 = upsample(x1,3,1);
y2 = upsample(x2,3,2);

Plot the result.

title('Original Signal')
ylim([-4 4])

ylabel('Phase 0')
ylim([-4 4])

ylabel('Phase 1')
ylim([-4 4])

ylabel('Phase 2')
ylim([-4 4])

If you sum the upsampled polyphase components you obtain the original signal.

Create a discrete-time sinusoid and obtain the 2 polyphase components associated with downsampling by 2.

Create a discrete-time sine wave with an angular frequency of $\pi/4$ rad/sample. Add a DC offset of 2 to the sine wave to help with visualization of the polyphase components. Downsample the sine wave by 2 to obtain the even and odd polyphase components.

n = 0:127;
x = 2+cos(pi/4*n);
x0 = downsample(x,2,0);
x1 = downsample(x,2,1);

Upsample the two polyphase components.

y0 = upsample(x0,2,0);
y1 = upsample(x1,2,1);

Plot the upsampled polyphase components along with the original signal for comparison.

ylim([0.5 3.5])
title('Original Signal')

ylim([0.5 3.5])
ylabel('Phase 0')

ylim([0.5 3.5])
ylabel('Phase 1')

If you sum the two upsampled polyphase components (Phase 0 and Phase 1), you obtain the original sine wave.

See Also


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