Compartment used by PKModelDesign
to create SimBiology
The PKCompartment
object is used by the
object to construct a SimBiology® model for pharmacokinetic modeling.
The PKCompartment
object is used by the
object to construct a SimBiology model for pharmacokinetic modeling. PKCompartment
holds the
following information:
Name of the compartment
Dosing type
Elimination type
Whether the drug concentration in this compartment is reported
The PKCompartment
class is a subclass of the
class which is a subclass of the handle
class. For more information on the inherited methods, see hgsetget
, and handle
Use addCompartment (PKModelDesign)
to create and
add a compartment to a PKModelDesign
model object.
— Type of dosing of drug in compartment
empty character array (default) | 'Bolus'
| 'Infusion'
| 'ZeroOrder'
| 'FirstOrder
Type of dosing of a drug in a compartment, specified as one of the following:
, 'Infusion'
, or 'FirstOrder
You can only dose one compartment in the model at any given time. For a description of the types of dosing supported, the model components created for each type of dosing, and the parameters to estimate, see Dosing Types.
Data Types: char
| string
— Type of elimination of drug from compartment
empty character array (default) | 'Linear'
| 'Linear-Clearance'
| 'Enzymatic'
Type of elimination of a drug from a compartment, specified as one of the following:
, 'Linear-Clearance'
, or
For a description of the types of elimination supported, the model components created for each type of elimination, and the parameters to estimate, see Elimination Types.
Data Types: char
| string
— Flag to indicate if dose has time lag
or 0 (default) | true
or 1
Flag to indicate if the dose targeting the compartment has a time lag, specified as
a numeric or logical 1 (true
) or 0 (false
Data Types: double
| logical
— Flag to indicate if drug concentration in compartment is reported
or 1 (default) | false
or 0
Flag to indicate if the drug concentration in the compartment is reported, specified
as a numeric or logical 1 (true
) or 0
The HasResponseVariable
property can be true
for more than one PKCompartment
object in the model. If you perform
a parameter fit on a model, at least one PKCompartment
object in
the model must have a HasResponseVariable
property set to
Data Types: double
| logical
— PKCompartment
object name
character vector | string
object name, specified as a character vector or string.
For details on requirements and recommendations for naming SimBiology components, see Guidelines for Naming Model Components.
Data Types: char
| string
Object Functions
Fit One-Compartment Model to Individual PK Profile
This example shows how to fit an individual's PK profile data to one-compartment model and estimate pharmacokinetic parameters.
Suppose you have drug plasma concentration data from an individual and want to estimate the volume of the central compartment and the clearance. Assume the drug concentration versus the time profile follows the monoexponential decline , where is the drug concentration at time t, is the initial concentration, and is the elimination rate constant that depends on the clearance and volume of the central compartment .
The synthetic data in this example was generated using the following model, parameters, and dose:
One-compartment model with bolus dosing and first-order elimination
Volume of the central compartment (
) = 1.70 literClearance parameter (
) = 0.55 liter/hourConstant error model
Bolus dose of 10 mg
Load Data and Visualize
The data is stored as a table with variables Time
and Conc
that represent the time course of the plasma concentration of an individual after an intravenous bolus administration measured at 13 different time points. The variable units for Time
and Conc
are hour and milligram/liter, respectively.
load('data15.mat') plot(data.Time,data.Conc,'b+') xlabel('Time (hour)'); ylabel('Drug Concentration (milligram/liter)');
Convert to groupedData Format
Convert the data set to a groupedData
object, which is the required data format for the fitting function sbiofit
for later use. A groupedData
object also lets you set independent variable and group variable names (if they exist). Set the units of the Time
and Conc
variables. The units are optional and only required for the UnitConversion feature, which automatically converts matching physical quantities to one consistent unit system.
gData = groupedData(data); gData.Properties.VariableUnits = {'hour','milligram/liter'}; gData.Properties
ans = struct with fields:
Description: ''
UserData: []
DimensionNames: {'Row' 'Variables'}
VariableNames: {'Time' 'Conc'}
VariableDescriptions: {}
VariableUnits: {'hour' 'milligram/liter'}
VariableContinuity: []
RowNames: {}
CustomProperties: [1×1 matlab.tabular.CustomProperties]
GroupVariableName: ''
IndependentVariableName: 'Time'
automatically set the name of the IndependentVariableName
property to the Time
variable of the data.
Construct a One-Compartment Model
Use the built-in PK library to construct a one-compartment model with bolus dosing and first-order elimination where the elimination rate depends on the clearance and volume of the central compartment. Use the configset
object to turn on unit conversion.
pkmd = PKModelDesign; pkc1 = addCompartment(pkmd,'Central'); pkc1.DosingType = 'Bolus'; pkc1.EliminationType = 'linear-clearance'; pkc1.HasResponseVariable = true; model = construct(pkmd); configset = getconfigset(model); configset.CompileOptions.UnitConversion = true;
For details on creating compartmental PK models using the SimBiology® built-in library, see Create Pharmacokinetic Models.
Define Dosing
Define a single bolus dose of 10 milligram given at time = 0. For details on setting up different dosing schedules, see Doses in SimBiology Models.
dose = sbiodose('dose'); dose.TargetName = 'Drug_Central'; dose.StartTime = 0; dose.Amount = 10; dose.AmountUnits = 'milligram'; dose.TimeUnits = 'hour';
Map Response Data to the Corresponding Model Component
The data contains drug concentration data stored in the Conc
variable. This data corresponds to the Drug_Central
species in the model. Therefore, map the data to Drug_Central
as follows.
responseMap = {'Drug_Central = Conc'};
Specify Parameters to Estimate
The parameters to fit in this model are the volume of the central compartment (Central) and the clearance rate (Cl_Central). In this case, specify log-transformation for these biological parameters since they are constrained to be positive. The estimatedInfo
object lets you specify parameter transforms, initial values, and parameter bounds if needed.
paramsToEstimate = {'log(Central)','log(Cl_Central)'}; estimatedParams = estimatedInfo(paramsToEstimate,'InitialValue',[1 1],'Bounds',[1 5;0.5 2]);
Estimate Parameters
Now that you have defined one-compartment model, data to fit, mapped response data, parameters to estimate, and dosing, use sbiofit
to estimate parameters. The default estimation function that sbiofit
uses will change depending on which toolboxes are available. To see which function was used during fitting, check the EstimationFunction
property of the corresponding results object.
fitConst = sbiofit(model,gData,responseMap,estimatedParams,dose);
Display Estimated Parameters and Plot Results
Notice the parameter estimates were not far off from the true values (1.70 and 0.55) that were used to generate the data. You may also try different error models to see if they could further improve the parameter estimates.
ans=2×4 table
Name Estimate StandardError Bounds
______________ ________ _____________ __________
{'Central' } 1.6993 0.034821 1 5
{'Cl_Central'} 0.53358 0.01968 0.5 2
s.Labels.XLabel = 'Time (hour)'; s.Labels.YLabel = 'Concentration (milligram/liter)'; plot(fitConst,'AxesStyle',s);
Use Different Error Models
Try three other supported error models (proportional, combination of constant and proportional error models, and exponential).
fitProp = sbiofit(model,gData,responseMap,estimatedParams,dose,... 'ErrorModel','proportional'); fitExp = sbiofit(model,gData,responseMap,estimatedParams,dose,... 'ErrorModel','exponential'); fitComb = sbiofit(model,gData,responseMap,estimatedParams,dose,... 'ErrorModel','combined');
Use Weights Instead of an Error Model
You can specify weights as a numeric matrix, where the number of columns corresponds to the number of responses. Setting all weights to 1 is equivalent to the constant error model.
weightsNumeric = ones(size(gData.Conc));
fitWeightsNumeric = sbiofit(model,gData,responseMap,estimatedParams,dose,'Weights',weightsNumeric);
Alternatively, you can use a function handle that accepts a vector of predicted response values and returns a vector of weights. In this example, use a function handle that is equivalent to the proportional error model.
weightsFunction = @(y) 1./y.^2;
fitWeightsFunction = sbiofit(model,gData,responseMap,estimatedParams,dose,'Weights',weightsFunction);
Compare Information Criteria for Model Selection
Compare the loglikelihood, AIC, and BIC values of each model to see which error model best fits the data. A larger likelihood value indicates the corresponding model fits the model better. For AIC and BIC, the smaller values are better.
allResults = [fitConst,fitWeightsNumeric,fitWeightsFunction,fitProp,fitExp,fitComb]; errorModelNames = {'constant error model','equal weights','proportional weights', ... 'proportional error model','exponential error model',... 'combined error model'}; LogLikelihood = [allResults.LogLikelihood]'; AIC = [allResults.AIC]'; BIC = [allResults.BIC]'; t = table(LogLikelihood,AIC,BIC); t.Properties.RowNames = errorModelNames; t
t=6×3 table
LogLikelihood AIC BIC
_____________ _______ _______
constant error model 3.9866 -3.9732 -2.8433
equal weights 3.9866 -3.9732 -2.8433
proportional weights -3.8472 11.694 12.824
proportional error model -3.8257 11.651 12.781
exponential error model 1.1984 1.6032 2.7331
combined error model 3.9163 -3.8326 -2.7027
Based on the information criteria, the constant error model (or equal weights) fits the data best since it has the largest loglikelihood value and the smallest AIC and BIC.
Display Estimated Parameter Values
Show the estimated parameter values of each model.
Estimated_Central = zeros(6,1); Estimated_Cl_Central = zeros(6,1); t2 = table(Estimated_Central,Estimated_Cl_Central); t2.Properties.RowNames = errorModelNames; for i = 1:height(t2) t2{i,1} = allResults(i).ParameterEstimates.Estimate(1); t2{i,2} = allResults(i).ParameterEstimates.Estimate(2); end t2
t2=6×2 table
Estimated_Central Estimated_Cl_Central
_________________ ____________________
constant error model 1.6993 0.53358
equal weights 1.6993 0.53358
proportional weights 1.9045 0.51734
proportional error model 1.8777 0.51147
exponential error model 1.7872 0.51701
combined error model 1.7008 0.53271
This example showed how to estimate PK parameters, namely the volume of the central compartment and clearance parameter of an individual, by fitting the PK profile data to one-compartment model. You compared the information criteria of each model and estimated parameter values of different error models to see which model best explained the data. Final fitted results suggested both the constant and combined error models provided the closest estimates to the parameter values used to generate the data. However, the constant error model is a better model as indicated by the loglikelihood, AIC, and BIC information criteria.
Version History
Introduced in R2009aR2024a: Having duplicate model component names is no longer allowed
When you load a model that contains duplicate names, SimBiology automatically updates those names. SimBiology disambiguates the duplicate names by adding a suffix
, where N is the first positive integer that results in a unique name. If there is an existing suffix, N will be incremented from that suffix. For example, if there are two model components named x_3, the function updates one of the names to x_4. If the existing suffix has leading zeros, the function omits the zeros in the new name. For instance, if x_003 is a duplicate name, it gets renamed to x_4. However, the function assumes that names with leading zeros and without leading zeros are different. For instance, x_005 and x_5 are considered to be different names.SimBiology issues an error if multiple model components (model, compartment, species, parameter, reaction, rule, event, observable, dose, and variant) have the same name. Within a single model, these components are required to have unique names even when they are of different types with the following two exceptions:
Species in different compartments can have the same name.
Parameters can have the same name if they are scoped to different parents. Specifically, you can use the same name for a model-scoped parameter and reaction-scoped parameters, where each reaction-scoped parameter belongs to a different reaction.
For details on how to reference model component names in expressions, see Guidelines for Referencing Names in Expressions.
R2022b: Having duplicate model component names issues a warning
SimBiology issues a warning if multiple model components have the same name.
R2022a: Having duplicate model component names will not be allowed in a future release
SimBiology will not allow you to have duplicate names for model components within a model.
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