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Load project from file


sbioloadproject projFilename model1 model2...
s = sbioloadproject('projFilename')


sbioloadproject('projFilename') loads a SimBiology® project from a project file (projFilename). If no extension is specified, sbioloadproject assumes a default extension of .sbproj. Alternatively, the command syntax is sbioloadproject projFilename.

sbioloadproject('projFilename','model1') loads only the variable named model1 that represents a SimBiology model from the project file.

sbioloadproject projFilename model1 model2... loads the specified variables from the project.

s = sbioloadproject('projFilename') returns the contents of projFilename in a variable s. s is a struct containing fields matching the SimBiology models retrieved from the SimBiology project.

You can display the contents of the project file using the sbiowhos command.


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Load the G-protein model.


Display the summary information of the model.

m1 = 
   SimBiology Model - Heterotrimeric G Protein wt 

   Model Components:
     Compartments:      1
     Events:            0
     Parameters:        9
     Reactions:         6
     Rules:             1
     Species:           7
     Observables:       0

Version History

Introduced in R2006a

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