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Set dosing information from table to dose object




setTable(doseObj,tbl) sets the dosing data from a table tbl to a dose object doseObj.

Input Arguments

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Dose object, specified as a ScheduleDose object or RepeatDose object or array of these objects.

Dosing data, specified as a table or cell array of tables. If doseObj is an array of dose objects, then tbl must be a cell array of tables of the same size as doseObj.

If doseObj is a ScheduleDose object, tbl must have 2 or 3 variables (columns) representing dose time, amount, and rate (optional). The variable names (tbl.Properties.VariableNames) must be 'Time', 'Amount', and 'Rate' (optional), respectively.

If doseObj is a RepeatDose object, tbl must have only one row with 4 or 5 variables (columns) representing dose start time, amount, interval, repeat count, and rate (optional). The variable names (tbl.Properties.VariableNames) must be 'StartTime', 'Amount', 'Interval', 'RepeatCount', and 'Rate' (optional), respectively. The value of each variable can be a numeric scalar or the name of a parameter (if the property is parameterized).

The units of tbl variables (tbl.Properties.VariableUnits), if any, are copied over to the corresponding property units of doseObj.


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Create a table containing dose start time, amount, interval, repeat count, and rate.

StartTime = 5;
Amount = 500;
Interval = 1;
RepeatCount = 3;
Rate = 1; 
tbl = table(StartTime,Amount,Interval,RepeatCount,Rate);

Create a RepeatDose object, and set the dosing information from the table.

rdose = sbiodose('rdose','repeat');

Create a table containing dose time and amount.

Time = [1 2 3 4 5]';
Amount = [10 15 20 25 30]';
tbl = table(Time,Amount);

Create a ScheduleDose object, and set the dosing information from the table.

sdose = sbiodose('sdose','schedule');

Create a table containing dose time and amount.

Time = [1 2 3 4 5]';
Amount = [10 15 20 25 30]';
tbl1 = table(Time,Amount);

Create a table containing dose start time, amount, interval, repeat count, and rate.

StartTime = 5;
Amount = 500;
Interval = 1;
RepeatCount = 3;
Rate = 1; 
tbl2 = table(StartTime,Amount,Interval,RepeatCount,Rate);

Create a cell array of dose tables.

tblArray = {tbl1,tbl2};

Create ScheduleDose and RepeatDose objects

sdose = sbiodose('sdose','schedule');
rdose = sbiodose('rdose','repeat');
doseArray = [sdose,rdose];

Set the cell array of dose tables to dose objects.


Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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