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User-defined unit


The SimBiology.Unit object holds information about user-defined units. To make a custom unit, create the unit object and add the unit to the library using the sbioaddtolibrary function. Use the Composition property to specify the composition of your units.

Use dot notation to query the object properties or change properties that are not read-only. You can also use the get and set commands.

You can also customize the units in the SimBiology Model Builder app. For details, see SimBiology Model Component Libraries.


Use sbiounit to create a custom unit.


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Unit composition, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

The Composition property holds the composition of a unit object. The Composition property shows the combination of base and derived units that defines the unit. For example, molarity is the name of the unit and the composition is mole/liter. Base units are the set of units used to define all unit quantity equations. Derived units are defined using base units or mixtures of base and derived units.

Valid physical quantities for reaction rates are amount/time, mass/time, or concentration/time.

Example: "mole/liter"

Data Types: char | string

Relationship between the defined unit and base unit, specified as a nonzero numeric scalar.

Multiplier defines such a relationship as a product between the base unit and a numeric value (that is, a multiplier). For example, in 1 mole = 6.0221e23*molecule, the Multiplier value is 6.0221e23.

Example: 10

Data Types: double

SimBiology.Unit object name, specified as a character vector or string.

For details on requirements and recommendations for naming SimBiology® components, see Guidelines for Naming Model Components.

Data Types: char | string

Additional information that you can add for SimBiology.Unit, specified as a character vector or string.

Data Types: char | string

This property is read-only.

Parent object, specified as a SimBiology.Model or SimBiology.KineticLaw object.

This property is read-only.

Parent object, specified as [] or root object. The default property value is [] until you add the SimBiology.Unit object to the library. Then the value becomes a root object upon addition to the library.

Object label, specified as a character vector or string.


Use this property to group objects and then use sbioselect to retrieve. For example, use the Tag property of reaction objects to group synthesis or degradation reactions. You can then retrieve all synthesis reactions using sbioselect. Similarly, for species objects you can enter and store classification information, for example, membrane protein, transcription factor, enzyme classifications, or whether a species is an independent variable. You can also enter the full form of the name of the species.

Data Types: char | string

This property is read-only.

Object type, specified as 'unit'. When you create a SimBiology object, the value of Type is automatically defined.

Data Types: char

Data to associate with the object, specified as a numeric scalar, vector, string, or any other MATLAB data type.

The object does not use this data directly, but you can access it using dot notation or get.

Object Functions

deleteDelete SimBiology object
displayDisplay summary of SimBiology object
findUsagesFind out how a unit or unit prefix is used
getGet SimBiology object properties
renameRename SimBiology model component and update expressions
setSet SimBiology object properties


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Create a user-defined unit called usermole, whose Composition property is molecule and Multiplier property is 6.0221e23.

unitObj = sbiounit('usermole','molecule',6.0221e23); 

Add the unit to the user-defined library.


Query the Multiplier property.

ans = 

Create a unit prefix peta with the exponent value of 15.

petaPrefix = sbiounitprefix("peta",15);

Add the unit prefix to the library.


Check the library of unit prefixes. Note that peta has been added as a user-defined unit prefix.

ans = 
   SimBiology Unit Prefix Array

   Index:    Library:       Name:    Exponent:
   1         BuiltIn        centi    -2       
   2         BuiltIn        deci     -1       
   3         BuiltIn        deka     1        
   4         BuiltIn        femto    -15      
   5         BuiltIn        giga     9        
   6         BuiltIn        hecto    2        
   7         BuiltIn        kilo     3        
   8         BuiltIn        mega     6        
   9         BuiltIn        micro    -6       
   10        BuiltIn        milli    -3       
   11        BuiltIn        nano     -9       
   12        UserDefined    peta     15       
   13        BuiltIn        pico     -12      
   14        BuiltIn        tera     12       

Alternatively, you can use sbiowhos or the root object.

sbiowhos -userdefined -unitprefix
   SimBiology UserDefined Unit Prefixes
   Index:  Name:           Multiplier:              
   1       peta            1000000000000000         
rootObj = sbioroot;
ans = 
   SimBiology Unit Prefix Array

   Index:    Library:       Name:    Exponent:
   1         UserDefined    peta     15       

Version History

Introduced in R2008a

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