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Clean all derived files generated by library build process

Since R2024b


sscclean(namespace) deletes all derived files generated by sscbuild in the namespace named namespace.

Running sscclean before rebuilding a library forces sscbuild to generate all derived files in the namespace, rather than regenerate only those files that have changed. You do not need to run sscclean before regular iterative library builds.

When you upgrade to a new version of Simscape™ software, run sscclean and then rebuild the custom block libraries.

When deploying your libraries on multiple platforms, you do not need to run sscclean on each platform. Use sscclean at the beginning of deployment and then just run sscbuild on each platform.



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Suppose your top-level namespace folder is named +MyNamespace and is located in C:\Work\MyLibraries.

To clean all the derived files generated by the library build process, change your current working folder to C:\Work\MyLibraries. Then, at the MATLAB® Command prompt, type:


You can also use the command form of this syntax, which requires fewer special characters:

sscclean MyNamespace;

This command cleans all the derived files from the namespace folder +MyNamespace and prepares it for rebuilding the custom block library for a new version of Simscape software.

Input Arguments

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Name of namespace containing Simscape files, specified as a character vector or a string scalar and located in the folder from which you call the sscclean function. namespace is the name of the top-level namespace folder without the leading + character. When you call sscclean using the command syntax, do not use quotes around namespace. For more information on the command-function duality, see Choose Command Syntax or Function Syntax.

Example: sscclean MyNamespace is the command syntax to clean all the derived files from the namespace +MyNamespace. The equivalent function syntax is sscclean('MyNamespace').

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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