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Visibility of Simulate using parameter


flag = showSimulateUsingImpl


flag = showSimulateUsingImpl specifies whether Simulate using appears on the MATLAB System block dialog box.

Run-Time Details

showSimulateUsingImpl is called by the MATLAB System block.

Method Authoring Tips

You must set Access = protected and Static for this method.

Output Arguments

expand all

Flag indicating whether to display the Simulate using parameter and dropdown list on the MATLAB System block mask. true displays the parameter and dropdown list. false hides the parameter and dropdown list.


expand all

Hide the Simulate using parameter on the MATLAB System block dialog box.

methods (Static, Access = protected)
  function flag = showSimulateUsingImpl
    flag = false;

If you set the flag to true or omit the showSimulateUsingImpl method, which defaults to true, the dialog appears as follows when you add the object to Simulink® with the MATLAB System block.

If you also specify a single value for getSimulateUsingImpl, the dialog appears as follows when you add the object to Simulink with the MATLAB System block.

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

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