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Board Parameters

Device Address

Enter the IP address or host name of the hardware board.

When you use the Support Package Installer to update the firmware on the board, the Support Package Installer automatically gets the value of the IP address from the board and applies it to this parameter.

If you swap boards, or change the IP address of the board, get the value of the new IP address and enter it here.


Default: <empty>

Device Name

Enter the device name of your Raspberry Pi® hardware board.


This option is available only in Simulink® Online™.


Default: <empty>


Enter the root user name for Linux® running on the hardware board.

When you use the Support Package Installer to update the hardware board firmware, the Support Package Installer automatically applies the value you entered there to this parameter.


Default: <empty>


Enter the root password for Linux running on the hardware board.

When you use the Support Package Installer to update the hardware board firmware, the Support Package Installer automatically applies the value you entered there to this parameter.


Default: <empty>

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