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External mode

Communication interface

Select the transport layer External mode uses to exchange data between the host computer and the target hardware.


Default: XCP on TCP/IP

  • XCP on TCP/IP

  • TCP/IP

Run external mode in a background

Select this check box to force the External mode engine to run the generated code in a background task.

Make sure you do not select this option for a model that has very small time step or that may encounter overruns as this may result in Simulink® becoming nonresponsive.

Logging buffer size (in bytes)

Specify the number of bytes to preallocate for the buffer in the hardware during Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol (XCP)-based External mode simulation. Specify Logging buffer size (in bytes) to a value large enough to accommodate the logged signals.

When specifying the buffer size, ensure that the maximum value of this parameter does not exceed the available Raspberry Pi® memory, which the Simulink Real-Time™ also uses to store other items. For example, in addition to signal logging data, the software also uses the Raspberry Pi memory for the Simulink Real-Time kernel, real-time application, and scopes.

Assume that your model has six data items (time, two states, two outputs, and task execution time). If you enter a buffer size of 100000, the target object property tg.MaxLogSamples is calculated as floor(100000 / 6) = 16666. After the buffer saves 16666 sample points, it wraps and further samples overwrite the older ones.


Specify the port number through which the ThingSpeak block connects to the ThingSpeak™ server.


Set the value of the TCP/IP or Wi-Fi® port number, from 1024 to 65535. External mode uses this port for communications between the hardware board and host computer.


Default: 17725


Select this check box to view the External Mode execution progress and updates in the Diagnostic Viewer or in the MATLAB® Command Window. This parameter appears when you select TCP/IP or WiFi for Communication interface.

Set XCP target polling time

Set the XCP-based polling time automatically or manually for Simulink models that contain blocks from the Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware in the external mode (Monitor & tune).


Default: Automatically


Polling time (in seconds)

Set the XCP-based polling time for Simulink models in external mode.


Default: 2


To enable this parameter, set Set XCP target polling time to Manually.

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