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Share Fixed-Point Models

You can edit a model containing fixed-point blocks without having Fixed-Point Designer™. However, you must have Fixed-Point Designer to:

  • Update a Simulink® diagram (Ctrl+D) containing fixed-point data types

  • Run a model containing fixed-point data types

  • Generate code from a model containing fixed-point data types

  • Log the minimum and maximum values produced by a simulation

  • Automatically scale the output of a model

If you do not have Fixed-Point Designer, you can work with a model containing Simulink blocks with fixed-point settings as follows:

  1. set_param(gcs, 'DataTypeOverride', 'Double',...
  2. If you use fi objects or embedded numeric data types in your model, set the fipref DataTypeOverride property to TrueDoubles or TrueSingles (to be consistent with the model-wide data type override setting) and the DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo property to All numeric types.

    For example, at the MATLAB® command line, enter:

     p = fipref('DataTypeOverride', 'TrueDoubles', ...
    		'DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo', 'AllNumericTypes');


If you use fi (Fixed-Point Designer) objects or embedded numeric data types in your model or workspace, you might introduce fixed-point data types into your model. You can set fipref (Fixed-Point Designer) to prevent the checkout of a Fixed-Point Designer license.

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