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Create World and Actor Using MATLAB

This example shows how to create a 3D environment with an empty actor and view in the Simulation 3D Viewer window using MATLAB®. You can use the sim3d.World to create a world object and sim3d.Actor to create an empty actor object. You can then add the actor to the 3D environment and visualize the 3D environment in the Simulation 3D Viewer window. For an example that shows how to create a 3D environment with an actor using Simulink®, see Create World and Actor Using Simulink.

This process does not build an appearance for the actor, so the Simulation 3D Viewer does not render a visualization of the actor. For an example that shows how to build an appearance for an empty actor, see Build Actor from 3D Graphic Primitives Using MATLAB.

Create World

Create a world object.

world = sim3d.World();

Create Actor

Create an actor object. The sim3d.Actor object creates an empty actor without any visual meshes.

actor = sim3d.Actor();

Add the actor to the world.


Run Simulation

Run a simulation set for 10 seconds with a sample time of 0.02 seconds.

sampletime = 0.02;
stoptime = 10;

Empty virtual world scene

Delete World

Delete the world object.


See Also

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