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Specify Signals to Log

Design requirements require logged model signals. During optimization, the model is simulated using the current value of the design variables and the logged signal is used to evaluate the design requirements.

  1. In the Response Optimizer, select Signal in the New drop-down list. A window opens where you select a signal to log.

  2. In the Simulink® model window, click the Simulink signal or Simscape™ block to which you want to add a requirement.

    The Create Signal Set dialog box updates and displays the name of the block and the port number where the selected signal is located.

  3. Select the signal and click the right arrow button to add it to the signal set.

  4. In Signal set field, enter a name for the selected signal set.

    Click OK. A new variable, with the specified name, appears in the Data area of the Response Optimizer.

 See Also

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