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Register navigation function for referenced requirements


    slreq.registerNavigationFcn(domain,callbackFunction) registers a navigation callback function, callbackFunction, for referenced requirements imported from ReqIF™ files that have the Domain property value equal to domain. Use this function to enable navigation from the Requirements Editor to the original requirement in a third-party requirements management tool.


    The navigation callback function should take this form:

    function myCustomNavigationFunction(ref)
    % Enter your implementation here
    The function should take the slreq.Reference object as an input.



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    This example shows how to register and get the registered navigation callback function for referenced requirements imported from ReqIF™ files.

    Import the ReqIF file mySpec.reqif into Requirements Toolbox™.

    count = slreq.import("mySpec.reqif");

    Get the handle for the imported requirement set. Check the domain for the imported referenced requirements.

    rs = slreq.find("Type","ReqSet","Name","mySpec");
    topRef = children(rs);
    domain = topRef.Domain
    domain = 
    'Third-Party Tool'

    Check if there are any currently registered navigation callback functions for the domain.

    callback = slreq.getNavigationFcn(domain)
    callback =
      0x0 empty char array

    Register the custom navigation callback function myNavigationFcn for the domain. Confirm that the navigation callback function was registered.

    callback = slreq.getNavigationFcn(domain)
    callback = 


    Unregister the custom navigation callback function.


    Input Arguments

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    Third-party requirements tool domain for which to register the navigation callback function, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

    This argument should match the Domain property value of the referenced requirement.

    Navigation callback function name to register, specified as a string scalar or a character vector.


    • You can clear the registered navigation callback function for a domain by entering:


    • You can get the value of the Domain property for a referenced requirement at the MATLAB® command prompt by entering:

      domain = myReferencedRequirement.Domain
      domain =
          'Third-Party Tool'

    • You can use the template generated by Requirements Toolbox™ to create your navigation callback function. For more information, see Navigate from Imported Requirements to Original Requirements.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2019a