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DC Offset Tracking

Direct conversion receivers often impose a direct current (DC) bias on the in-phase and quadrature components of the signal. DC bias can degrade BER performance for QAM and PSK systems. By enabling DC offset tracking, you can reduce DC bias in the I/Q channels of a received complex signal. The reduced DC bias better enables robust receiver processing. In addition, this reduction enables you to focus on designing the baseband algorithm without worrying about DC bias that is introduced by the analog front end. DC offset tracking for the AD9361/AD9364 RF chip on the Xilinx® Zynq® radio hardware takes place on the RF transceiver and can be implemented at baseband or RF. For more information, see Baseband DC Offset Calibration and Baseband DC Offset Tracking in Analog Devices® AD9364 Reference Manual - UG-673.

DC Offset Tracking on Receiver Block

DC offset tracking at RF and baseband is on by default. To disable these parameters, on the Advanced tab of the AD936x Receiver or FMCOMMS5 Receiver block mask, clear Enable RF DC correction or Enable baseband DC correction.

DC Offset Tracking in Receiver System Object

DC offset tracking at RF and baseband is on by default. To see these properties, set the ShowAdvancedProperties property to true. To disable either of these properties, set the corresponding properties to false. For example:

rx = sdrrx('AD936x');
rx.EnableRFDCCorrection = false;
rx.EnableBasebandDCCorrection = false;

See Also





[1] Analog Devices AD9364 Reference Manual - UG-673.

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