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Add interaction terms to univariate generalized additive model (GAM)

Since R2021a


    UpdatedMdl = addInteractions(Mdl,Interactions) returns an updated model UpdatedMdl by adding the interaction terms in Interactions to the univariate generalized additive model Mdl. The model Mdl must contain only linear terms for predictors.

    If you want to resume training for the existing terms in Mdl, use the resume function.


    UpdatedMdl = addInteractions(Mdl,Interactions,Name,Value) specifies additional options using one or more name-value arguments. For example, 'MaxPValue',0.05 specifies to include only the interaction terms whose p-values are not greater than 0.05.



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    Train a univariate GAM, which contains linear terms for predictors, and then add interaction terms to the trained model by using the addInteractions function.

    Load the carbig data set, which contains measurements of cars made in the 1970s and early 1980s.

    load carbig

    Create a table that contains the predictor variables (Acceleration, Displacement, Horsepower, and Weight) and the response variable (MPG).

    tbl = table(Acceleration,Displacement,Horsepower,Weight,MPG);

    Train a univariate GAM that contains linear terms for predictors in tbl.

    Mdl = fitrgam(tbl,'MPG');

    Add the five most important interaction terms to the trained model.

    UpdatedMdl = addInteractions(Mdl,5);

    Mdl is a univariate GAM, and UpdatedMdl is an updated GAM that contains all the terms in Mdl and five additional interaction terms. Display the interaction terms in UpdatedMdl.

    ans = 5×2
         2     3
         1     2
         3     4
         1     4
         1     3

    Each row of the Interactions property represents one interaction term and contains the column indexes of the predictor variables for the interaction term. You can use the Interactions property to check the interaction terms in the model and the order in which fitrgam adds them to the model.

    Train a univariate GAM, which contains linear terms for predictors, and then add interaction terms to the trained model by using the addInteractions function. Specify the 'MaxPValue' name-value argument to add interaction terms whose p-values are not greater than the 'MaxPValue' value.

    Load Fisher's iris data set. Create a table that contains observations for versicolor and virginica.

    load fisheriris
    inds = strcmp(species,'versicolor') | strcmp(species,'virginica');
    Tbl = array2table(meas(inds,:),'VariableNames',["x1","x2","x3","x4"]);
    Tbl.Y = species(inds,:);

    Train a univariate GAM that contains linear terms for predictors in Tbl.

    Mdl = fitcgam(Tbl,'Y');

    Add important interaction terms to the trained model Mdl. Specify 'all' for the Interactions argument, and set the 'MaxPValue' name-value argument to 0.05. Among all available interaction terms, addInteractions identifies those whose p-values are not greater than the 'MaxPValue' value and adds them to the model. The default 'MaxPValue' is 1 so that the function adds all specified interaction terms to the model.

    UpdatedMdl = addInteractions(Mdl,'all','MaxPValue',0.05);
    ans = 5×2
         3     4
         2     4
         1     4
         2     3
         1     3

    Mdl is a univariate GAM, and UpdatedMdl is an updated GAM that contains all the terms in Mdl and five additional interaction terms. UpdatedMdl includes five of the six available pairs of interaction terms.

    Input Arguments

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    Generalized additive model, specified as a ClassificationGAM or RegressionGAM model object.

    Number or list of interaction terms to include in the candidate set S, specified as a nonnegative integer scalar, a logical matrix, or 'all'.

    • Number of interaction terms, specified as a nonnegative integer — S includes the specified number of important interaction terms, selected based on the p-values of the terms.

    • List of interaction terms, specified as a logical matrix — S includes the terms specified by a t-by-p logical matrix, where t is the number of interaction terms, and p is the number of predictors used to train the model. For example, logical([1 1 0; 0 1 1]) represents two pairs of interaction terms: a pair of the first and second predictors, and a pair of the second and third predictors.

      If addInteractions uses a subset of input variables as predictors, then the function indexes the predictors using only the subset. That is, the column indexes of the logical matrix do not count the response and observation weight variables. The indexes also do not count any variables not used by the function.

    • 'all'S includes all possible pairs of interaction terms, which is p*(p – 1)/2 number of terms in total.

    Among the interaction terms in S, the addInteractions function identifies those whose p-values are not greater than the 'MaxPValue' value and uses them to build a set of interaction trees. Use the default value ('MaxPValue',1) to build interaction trees using all terms in S.

    Data Types: single | double | logical | char | string

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

    Example: addInteractions(Mdl,'all','MaxPValue',0.05,'Verbose',1,'NumPrints',10) specifies to include all available interaction terms whose p-values are not greater than 0.05 and to display diagnostic messages every 10 iterations.

    Initial learning rate of gradient boosting for interaction terms, specified as a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1].

    For each boosting iteration for interaction trees, addInteractions starts fitting with the initial learning rate. For classification, the function halves the learning rate until it finds a rate that improves the model fit. For regression, the function uses the initial rate throughout the training.

    Training a model using a small learning rate requires more learning iterations, but often achieves better accuracy.

    For more details about gradient boosting, see Gradient Boosting Algorithm.

    Example: 'InitialLearnRateForInteractions',0.1

    Data Types: single | double

    Maximum number of decision splits (or branch nodes) for each interaction tree (boosted tree for an interaction term), specified as a positive integer scalar.

    Example: 'MaxNumSplitsPerInteraction',5

    Data Types: single | double

    Maximum p-value for detecting interaction terms, specified as a numeric scalar in the interval [0,1].

    addInteractions first finds the candidate set S of interaction terms from the Interactions value. Then the function identifies the interaction terms whose p-values are not greater than the 'MaxPValue' value and uses them to build a set of interaction trees.

    The default value ('MaxPValue',1) builds interaction trees for all interaction terms in the candidate set S.

    For more details about detecting interaction terms, see Interaction Term Detection.

    Example: 'MaxPValue',0.05

    Data Types: single | double

    Number of iterations between diagnostic message printouts, specified as a nonnegative integer scalar. This argument is valid only when you specify 'Verbose' as 1.

    If you specify 'Verbose',1 and 'NumPrint',numPrint, then the software displays diagnostic messages every numPrint iterations in the Command Window.

    The default value is Mdl.ModelParameters.NumPrint, which is the NumPrint value that you specify when creating the GAM object Mdl.

    Example: 'NumPrint',500

    Data Types: single | double

    Number of trees per interaction term, specified as a positive integer scalar.

    The 'NumTreesPerInteraction' value is equivalent to the number of gradient boosting iterations for the interaction terms for predictors. For each iteration, addInteractions adds a set of interaction trees to the model, one tree for each interaction term. To learn about the gradient boosting algorithm, see Gradient Boosting Algorithm.

    You can determine whether the fitted model has the specified number of trees by viewing the diagnostic message displayed when 'Verbose' is 1 or 2, or by checking the ReasonForTermination property value of the model Mdl.

    Example: 'NumTreesPerInteraction',500

    Data Types: single | double

    Verbosity level, specified as 0, 1, or 2. The Verbose value controls the amount of information that the software displays in the Command Window.

    This table summarizes the available verbosity level options.

    0The software displays no information.
    1The software displays diagnostic messages every numPrint iterations, where numPrint is the 'NumPrint' value.
    2The software displays diagnostic messages at every iteration.

    Each line of the diagnostic messages shows the information about each boosting iteration and includes the following columns:

    • Type — Type of trained trees, 1D (predictor trees, or boosted trees for linear terms for predictors) or 2D (interaction trees, or boosted trees for interaction terms for predictors)

    • NumTrees — Number of trees per linear term or interaction term that addInteractions added to the model so far

    • DevianceDeviance of the model

    • RelTol — Relative change of model predictions: (y^ky^k1)(y^ky^k1)/y^ky^k, where y^k is a column vector of model predictions at iteration k

    • LearnRate — Learning rate used for the current iteration

    The default value is Mdl.ModelParameters.VerbosityLevel, which is the Verbose value that you specify when creating the GAM object Mdl.

    Example: 'Verbose',1

    Data Types: single | double

    Output Arguments

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    Updated generalized additive model, returned as a ClassificationGAM or RegressionGAM model object. UpdatedMdl has the same object type as the input model Mdl.

    To overwrite the input argument Mdl, assign the output of addInteractions to Mdl:

    Mdl = addInteractions(Mdl,Interactions);

    More About

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    Deviance is a generalization of the residual sum of squares. It measures the goodness of fit compared to the saturated model.

    The deviance of a fitted model is twice the difference between the loglikelihoods of the model and the saturated model:

    -2(logL - logLs),

    where L and Ls are the likelihoods of the fitted model and the saturated model, respectively. The saturated model is the model with the maximum number of parameters that you can estimate.

    addInteractions uses the deviance to measure the goodness of model fit and finds a learning rate that reduces the deviance at each iteration. Specify 'Verbose' as 1 or 2 to display the deviance and learning rate in the Command Window.


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    Gradient Boosting Algorithm

    addInteractions adds sets of interaction trees (boosted trees for interaction terms for predictors) to a univariate generalized additive model by using a gradient boosting algorithm (Least-Squares Boosting for regression and Adaptive Logistic Regression for classification). The algorithm iterates for at most 'NumTreesPerInteraction' times for interaction trees.

    For each boosting iteration, addInteractions builds a set of interaction trees with the initial learning rate 'InitialLearnRateForInteractions'.

    • When building a set of trees, the function trains one tree at a time. It fits a tree to the residual that is the difference between the response (observed response values for regression or scores of observed classes for classification) and the aggregated prediction from all trees grown previously. To control the boosting learning speed, the function shrinks the tree by the learning rate and then adds the tree to the model and updates the residual.

      • Updated model = current model + (learning rate)·(new tree)

      • Updated residual = current residual – (learning rate)·(response explained by new tree)

    • If adding the set of trees improves the model fit (that is, reduces the deviance of the fit by a value larger than the tolerance), then addInteractions moves to the next iteration.

    • Otherwise, for classification, addInteractions halves the learning rate and uses it to update the model and residual. The function continues to halve the learning rate until it finds a rate that improves the model fit. If the function cannot find such a learning rate for interaction trees, then it terminates the model fitting. For regression, if adding the set of trees does not improve the model fit with the initial learning rate, then the function terminates the model fitting.

      You can determine why training stopped by checking the ReasonForTermination property of the trained model.

    Interaction Term Detection

    For each pairwise interaction term xixj (specified by Interactions), the software performs an F-test to examine whether the term is statistically significant.

    To speed up the process, addInteractions bins numeric predictors into at most 8 equiprobable bins. The number of bins can be less than 8 if a predictor has fewer than 8 unique values. The F-test examines the null hypothesis that the bins created by xi and xj have equal responses versus the alternative that at least one bin has a different response value from the others. A small p-value indicates that differences are significant, which implies that the corresponding interaction term is significant and, therefore, including the term can improve the model fit.

    addInteractions builds a set of interaction trees using the terms whose p-values are not greater than the 'MaxPValue' value. You can use the default 'MaxPValue' value 1 to build interaction trees using all terms specified by Interactions.

    addInteractions adds interaction terms to the model in the order of importance based on the p-values. Use the Interactions property of the returned model to check the order of the interaction terms added to the model.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a