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Gaussian Mixture Models

Cluster based on Gaussian mixture models using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm

Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) assign each observation to a cluster by maximizing the posterior probability that a data point belongs to its assigned cluster. Create a GMM object gmdistribution by fitting a model to data (fitgmdist) or by specifying parameter values (gmdistribution). Then, use object functions to perform cluster analysis (cluster, posterior, mahal), evaluate the model (cdf, pdf), and generate random variates (random).


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fitgmdistFit Gaussian mixture model to data
gmdistributionCreate Gaussian mixture model
cdfCumulative distribution function for Gaussian mixture distribution
clusterConstruct clusters from Gaussian mixture distribution
mahalMahalanobis distance to Gaussian mixture component
pdfProbability density function for Gaussian mixture distribution
posteriorPosterior probability of Gaussian mixture component
randomRandom variate from Gaussian mixture distribution


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