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Discrete uniform mean and variance


[M,V] = unidstat(N)


[M,V] = unidstat(N) returns the mean and variance of the discrete uniform distribution with minimum value 1 and maximum value N.

The mean of the discrete uniform distribution with parameter N is (N + 1)/2. The variance is (N2 – 1)/12.


[m,v] = unidstat(1:6)
m =
  1.0000  1.5000  2.0000  2.5000  3.0000  3.5000
v =
  0  0.2500  0.6667  1.2500  2.0000  2.9167

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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