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Add waypoint mission item

Since R2022b


    addWaypoint(mission,waypoint) adds a waypoint mission item that commands the UAV to travel to the specified waypoint waypoint.


    addWaypoint(___,Name=Value) sets additional options specified by one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to all input arguments from the previous syntax. For example, addWaypoint(mission,waypoints,Frame="LocalNED") adds a waypoint mission item with the coordinates specified in the local north-east-down (NED) reference frame.


    collapse all

    Create a UAV mission object with a home location at the origin of the local ENU coordinate frame and an initial speed of 5 meters per second.

    m = uavMission(Frame="LocalENU",HomeLocation=[0 0 0],Speed=5)
    m = 
      uavMission with properties:
           HomeLocation: [0 0 0]
             InitialYaw: 0
                  Frame: "LocalENU"
                  Speed: 5
        NumMissionItems: 0

    Add a takeoff mission item to the mission with an altitude of 25 meters, pitch of 15 degrees, and yaw of 0 degrees.


    Add two waypoint mission items to the mission. Between the two waypoints, increase the speed of the UAV to 20 meters per second. After the second waypoint, reduce the speed of the UAV back to 5 meters per second.

    addWaypoint(m,[10 0 30]);
    addWaypoint(m,[20 0 40]);
    addWaypoint(m,[30 0 50])

    Add loiter and hover mission items to the mission, specifying for the UAV to loiter and hover around the second waypoint at a radius of 50 meters for 20 seconds each.

    addLoiter(m,[40 0 60],10,20);
    addHover(m,[50 0 70],10,20);

    Add a landing mission item to the mission to land the UAV.

    addLand(m,[70 0 0],Yaw=0);

    Show the mission item data table.

    ans=9×17 table
        Idx    Timestamp     MissionType     ParameterName1    ParameterValue1    ParameterName2    ParameterValue2    ParameterName3    ParameterValue3    ParameterName4    ParameterValue4      ParameterName5      ParameterValue5    ParameterName6    ParameterValue6    ParameterName7    ParameterValue7
        ___    _________    _____________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________    __________________    _______________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________
         1        NaN       "Takeoff"          "Altitude"            20              "Pitch"               15              "Yaw"                 0             ""                   NaN          ""                          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         2        NaN       "Waypoint"         "X"                   10              "Y"                    0              "Z"                  30             "Yaw"                NaN          "AcceptanceRadius"          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         3        NaN       "ChangeSpeed"      "Speed"               20              ""                   NaN              ""                  NaN             ""                   NaN          ""                          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         4        NaN       "Waypoint"         "X"                   20              "Y"                    0              "Z"                  40             "Yaw"                NaN          "AcceptanceRadius"          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         5        NaN       "ChangeSpeed"      "Speed"                5              ""                   NaN              ""                  NaN             ""                   NaN          ""                          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         6        NaN       "Waypoint"         "X"                   30              "Y"                    0              "Z"                  50             "Yaw"                NaN          "AcceptanceRadius"          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         7        NaN       "Loiter"           "X"                   40              "Y"                    0              "Z"                  60             "Radius"              10          "Duration"                   20                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         8        NaN       "Hover"            "X"                   50              "Y"                    0              "Z"                  70             "Radius"              10          "Duration"                   20                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         9        NaN       "Land"             "X"                   70              "Y"                    0              "Z"                   0             "Yaw"                  0          ""                          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      

    Remove the hover action at index 7, and then add another waypoint at index 8 after the hover item moves to index 7. Show the mission details table again to see the changes.

    addWaypoint(m,[65 0 70],InsertAtRow=8);
    ans=9×17 table
        Idx    Timestamp     MissionType     ParameterName1    ParameterValue1    ParameterName2    ParameterValue2    ParameterName3    ParameterValue3    ParameterName4    ParameterValue4      ParameterName5      ParameterValue5    ParameterName6    ParameterValue6    ParameterName7    ParameterValue7
        ___    _________    _____________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________    __________________    _______________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________
         1        NaN       "Takeoff"          "Altitude"            20              "Pitch"               15              "Yaw"                 0             ""                   NaN          ""                          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         2        NaN       "Waypoint"         "X"                   10              "Y"                    0              "Z"                  30             "Yaw"                NaN          "AcceptanceRadius"          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         3        NaN       "ChangeSpeed"      "Speed"               20              ""                   NaN              ""                  NaN             ""                   NaN          ""                          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         4        NaN       "Waypoint"         "X"                   20              "Y"                    0              "Z"                  40             "Yaw"                NaN          "AcceptanceRadius"          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         5        NaN       "ChangeSpeed"      "Speed"                5              ""                   NaN              ""                  NaN             ""                   NaN          ""                          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         6        NaN       "Waypoint"         "X"                   30              "Y"                    0              "Z"                  50             "Yaw"                NaN          "AcceptanceRadius"          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         7        NaN       "Hover"            "X"                   50              "Y"                    0              "Z"                  70             "Radius"              10          "Duration"                   20                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         8        NaN       "Waypoint"         "X"                   65              "Y"                    0              "Z"                  70             "Yaw"                NaN          "AcceptanceRadius"          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      
         9        NaN       "Land"             "X"                   70              "Y"                    0              "Z"                   0             "Yaw"                  0          ""                          NaN                ""                NaN                ""                NaN      

    Visualize the mission.

    axis equal

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel East (m), ylabel North (m) contains 10 objects of type line, text.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    UAV mission, specified as a uavMission object.

    Desired waypoint, specified as a three-element row vector. The form of the vector depends on the reference frame, as specified by either the uavMission object mission or the Frame argument:

    • "Global" — [latitude longitude altitude]

    • "GlobalRelativeAlt" — [latitude longitude relativeAltitude]. relativeAltitude is the altitude relative to the home location specified by mission.

    • "LocalENU" — [X Y Z]

    • "LocalNED" — [X Y Z]

    Specify latitude and longitude in degrees, and altitude or relative altitude in meters. Local coordinates are in meters.

    Example: [0 2 20]

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: addWaypoint(mission,[42 70 10],Yaw=15,Frame="LocalNED")

    Acceptance radius, specified as positive numeric scalar, in meters. This value specifies the maximum distance from the waypoint, in any direction, at which the uavMission object considers the UAV to have reached the waypoint

    Data Types: double

    Desired yaw, specified as a numeric scalar, in degrees.

    Mission waypoint reference frame, specified as one of these values:

    • "Global" — Global reference frame

    • "GlobalRelativeAlt" — Global reference frame with an altitude relative to the home location specified by mission

    • "LocalENU" — Local east-north-up (ENU) reference frame

    • "LocalNED" — Local north-east-down (NED) reference frame

    If you do not specify the Frame argument, addWaypoint uses the reference frame of the uavMission object mission.

    Data Types: char | string

    Timestamp of this item, specified as a numeric scalar, in seconds.

    If you do not specify the Timestamp argument, addWaypoint determines the timestamp automatically based on the reference speed of the uavMission object.

    Item position in the mission order, specified as an positive integer.

    If you do not specify the Timestamp argument or you specify a value that is greater than the total number of items in the mission, the item is inserted after the last item as the next index value.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

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