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Properties of wind model objects added to UAV platform

Since R2024a


    windTbl = windDetails(platform) returns the properties of the wind model objects that have been added to the UAV platform.



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    Create a UAV scenario and platform.

    scene = uavScenario;
    platform = uavPlatform("UAV",scene);

    Create a steady wind object with default parameters.

    steadyWind = uavWindSteady
    steadyWind = 
      uavWindSteady with properties:
         Velocity: [3.5000 3.5000 5]
        StartTime: 0
         StopTime: Inf

    Create a gust wind object with default parameters.

    gustWind = uavWindGust
    gustWind = 
      uavWindGust with properties:
        GustAmplitude: [3.5000 3.5000 5]
           GustLength: [120 120 80]
            StartTime: 0
             StopTime: Inf

    Create a turbulence wind object with default parameters.

    turbulenceWind = uavWindTurbulence
    turbulenceWind = 
      uavWindTurbulence with properties:
                              Specification: "MIL-F-8785C"
                                  ModelType: "Von Karman (+q +r)"
                              WindSpeedAt6m: 15
                          WindDirectionAt6m: 0
        ProbExceedanceHighAltitudeIntensity: "10^-2 - Light"
            ScaleLengthAtMediumHighAltitude: 762
                                   Wingspan: 10
                 BandLimitedNoiseSampleTime: 0.1000
                           RandomNoiseSeeds: [23341 23342 23343 23344]
                                  StartTime: 0
                                   StopTime: Inf

    Add all wind objects to the UAV platform.

    addWind(platform,{steadyWind gustWind turbulenceWind})

    Obtain the details of the wind objects added to the UAV platform.

    windTbl1=3×2 table
        ID        WindProperties     
        __    _______________________
        1     {1x1 uavWindSteady    }
        2     {1x1 uavWindGust      }
        3     {1x1 uavWindTurbulence}

    Remove the gust wind object.


    Obtain the details of the wind objects added to the UAV platform after the gust wind object has been removed.

    windTbl2=2×2 table
        ID        WindProperties     
        __    _______________________
        1     {1x1 uavWindSteady    }
        2     {1x1 uavWindTurbulence}

    Input Arguments

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    UAV platform, specified as a uavPlatform object

    Output Arguments

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    Properties of the wind model objects that have been added to the UAV platform, returned as an N-by-3 table,N is the total number of wind model objects added to the UAV platform. Each row of the table contains these fields.


    Wind model object identifier, returned as a positive integer in the range [1, N].


    Wind model object type, returned as a string scalar.


    Wind model object properties, returned as a structure with fields corresponding to the properties of the associated wind model type.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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